Sign compatibility Capricorn + Aquarius in love and friendship

Capricorn woman + Aquarius man: compatibility in love

This is a very unusual and interesting couple. At first glance, Capricorn and Aquarius are two opposites, but if you look closely, the situation may open in completely different colors. Aquarius is spontaneous and relaxed, it easily takes risks and treats life just as easily, it adds a twist to Capricorn's measured life. In turn, Capricorn used to think ahead of all her actions, she is very reasonable and always weighs her actions. Aquarius lacks the practicality of Capricorn. Capricorn teaches him to look at things from the other side, to think about his actions and make the right decisions, this has a very beneficial effect on the career of Aquarius. But Capricorn does not remain deprived of this pair: she learns to look at the world easier, accept the simple joys of life and trust her partner.

In a pair of Capricorn and Aquarius, both partners constantly feel each other's support. This is especially important for Capricorn, which is hard to rely on someone and fully trust.

A Capricorn woman and a Aquarius man can have problems against the background of their characters. Capricorn loves order in everything and always adheres to a clear plan, and Aquarius is absolutely unpredictable and this unsettles his chosen one. Capricorn seeks to teach Aquarius to live the way she thinks is right, and Aquarius is too stubborn for that. In this case, Capricorn needs to come to terms with the fact that her beloved is not perfect in everything and allow him to remain the one with whom she fell in love.

  • Friendship Compatibility

They have a different worldview and different outlook on friendships, but despite this, they easily find a common language and often become good friends. Both signs are serious about friendship and willingly come to the aid of friends. However, the difference is that Capricorn does not give all himself to friendship, and Aquarius does just that. Capricorn has a certain framework beyond which she does not intend to let anyone in, and if such a situation suits Aquarius and he learns to respect it, they will be close friends.

Capricorn man + Aquarius woman: compatibility in love

Not a simple union, but, if desired, they have every chance of success. In this pair, Capricorn acts as a patron, and Aquarius is a kind of innocent lamb. Most of all, Capricorn male is interested in his career and seeing that a woman is not only good-looking, but will not interfere with the implementation of his plans, he will definitely pay attention to her. Aquarius has its own view of the world, which is special, incomparable with anything; at the same time, Capricorn likes it and scares him away. After all, Capricorn is very practical, he believes only in what he sees, while Aquarius is ready to believe in anything. Her naivety and kindness appeal to her; Capricorn feels the need to protect her from the cruel world, but sometimes it can become his personification.

Capricorn will certainly try to remake Aquarius in its image. For him, the opinion of others is important, and Aquarius sometimes does not at all look after his manners and behavior. He is not against her oddities, but as long as they do not affect his reputation. If Aquarius wants to maintain a relationship, she should learn to behave in public, especially since she is not stupid at all and this will not be a big deal for her.

  • Friendship Compatibility

They can be friends for a very long time, but this does not happen often. Capricorns basically make friendship "for convenience", they are looking for business relationships, rather than intimate conversations.In addition, the friendship of Aquarius may seem very intrusive to Capricorn and he will not hide this from her, which can hurt the feelings of Aquarius.


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