Millions of women around the world, from the most famous Hollywood beauties to the most ordinary young girls, choose such a bob-haircut for their image. As you may have guessed, she was born from the merger of two self-sufficient haircuts and bob. And what happened as a result is above all praise. The bob-car is surprisingly in harmony with any type of hair and face shape. Perhaps the only exception will be too thin hair, which can not convey the entire volume of the hairstyle. In this article, we will talk in detail about all the intricacies of a bob-car haircut, talk about the technique of its implementation and look at the most fashionable styling of this haircut. But first things first.
Features of a bob haircut
As we said above, a bob haircut implies the merger of two haircuts. From the caret, the haircut received a straight even cut, and from the bean, graduation and narrowing of the volume of hair to the bottom. A bob haircut is absolutely universal. It all depends on the selected length, hair structure, presence or absence of bangs. The final version of the hairstyle will also depend on coloring and styling, and of course on the work of the master. This haircut is characterized by a rather complex technology of execution.
Bob Carriage Technique
As we said earlier, a bob-haircut haircut requires special hairdressing skills and only an experienced, trusted master needs to trust it.
- Initially, it is necessary to divide the hair into certain zones: the parietal zone with a vertical parting in half; the lower occipital zone is parted through the occipital protuberance from ear to ear; the anterior-parietal parting divides the remaining zones. The hair of each zone is curled and chopped.
- The lowest occipital area is sheared by shaving.
- After the lower occipital zone, the upper occipital region is usually sheared by graduation.
- Then they move to the temporal zone and continue to cut, observing the previously measured length, but already without graduation (even cut).
- Next, comb out the hair and eliminate all the shortcomings of the haircut.
- If desired, bangs can be created.
- Simple styling is done with a hairdryer with a round nozzle.
Varieties of bob haircuts
In general, bob-haircuts are divided into three main types (excluding hair length):
- with bangs / without bangs;
- symmetric / asymmetric;
- with lengthening / equal.
You can also highlight this option as a smooth or wavy hair, but here it all depends on the structure of the hair and the desire of the client.
Bob short hair
The classic version of the bob is a short hair length. It is at this length that the haircut looks most impressive and self-sufficient.
Medium to long hair bob
Modern stylists just won’t come up with to please lovely ladies. And especially for those who do not want to say goodbye to their curls, they created a bob-car for medium and long hair. It certainly looks not so impressive, but due to fashionable coloring everything looks very balanced.
Elongated bob
An extension bean bob is a very effective haircut, characterized by a shorter length of hair on the back of the head, turning into longer hair on the face. This type of haircut emphasizes the line of the neck and frames the face. In addition, if desired, you can add a bob with an extension of asymmetric oblique bangs.The technique for performing this haircut from the classic varnish of the bob is different in that when moving from the occipital to the temporal parts, the upper strands are cut 2-3 cm longer. this produces a kind of ladder and a smooth transition of length.