Session haircut: features, scheme and step by step instructions, options for execution (49 photos)

Vintage style will probably never leave fashion catwalks around the world. In certain things, it manifests itself constantly: either vintage things will come into fashion, or makeup with some vintage notes. What can we say about haircuts. One of the examples of such haircuts that became fashionable in the distant 70s and still do not lose popularity is the famous haircut sesson (sessun). She became popular thanks to the famous singer Mireille Mathieu, who first appeared with such a haircut at a performance. By the way, she still has not changed her haircut and adhered to it throughout her life. In this article we will tell all the details of a haircut session, talk about its advantages and disadvantages, and also consider the technique for performing this haircut. But first things first.

What is a haircut sessionon?

The appearance of this haircut women are obliged to the British hairdresser Vidal Sassoon (actually the name she got from his last name). Many people think that Vidal designed that haircut specifically for Mireille Mathieu. But it is only serve and speculation. In general, the stricken sessionon is distinguished by its versatility, as it is suitable for any age and almost any face shape. A distinctive feature of this haircut is the creation of a perfect oval on the nape along the neck, with long hair from the earlobe to the beginning of the neck. In general, a haircut sesson gives the impression of a perfect shape. In the classic version, it is also complemented by bangs of an arched shape.

Advantages and disadvantages of haircut session

Like any haircut, a session has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this haircut include the following:

  • Universality. As we noted above, this haircut is suitable for absolutely any age. And modern design options are able to tailor this haircut to almost any shape of the face.
  • Originality. This haircut, due to its certain vintage, now looks very stylish. She draws attention to her owner and emphasizes her unique taste.
  • Easy styling. Indeed, this haircut requires a minimum of care. Styling it is also quite simple, the main thing is that the haircut itself be done very accurately.

However, the session has its drawbacks:

  • The complexity of the execution. Indeed, haircut is one of the most difficult in its execution. To master the technique of its implementation the first time will not work.
  • Frequent correction. In order for this haircut to always maintain its perfect appearance, it must be constantly adjusted.
  • Short hair length. A classic haircut is done on short hair, so it will be difficult to assemble from any hairstyle. However, modern stylists have found a way out of this situation, they created an elongated session.
  • Haircuts are not suitable for owners of very thin hair and large facial features.

Sesson haircut step by step

  1. We divide the hair into the parietal and occipital zones.
  2. In the occipital zone, select the middle strand and cut it to the desired length with zero guying.
  3. Focusing on the cut strand, we trim all remaining ones rounding it under it.
  4. The next row of hair of the occipital area is shear similar, but 1-2 centimeters longer.
  5. We pass to the temporal zone and bangs. Trim the right amount of hair for bangs and cut just below the eyebrows.
  6. The temporal part of the hair is sheared at an oblique angle, extending to the ears.
  7. We free the hair and cut it off, evening it along the already cut curls, creating a smooth transition.
  8. To eliminate all the shortcomings of the haircut, you need to shake your head so that the hair settles down in its place. After that, eliminate all identified nuances.

Sesson haircut options for long, medium and short hair


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