One of the most popular haircuts for short hair is a bob haircut. It appeared so many centuries ago in ancient Egypt, and then only men wore it. Gradually, this haircut migrated to women's hair. Since then, she has not left her well-deserved first place among all the haircuts for short and medium (elongated caret) hair. Many women believe that the square is already outdated and that this haircut is very boring. We will refute this opinion a little. Kare - a universal and self-sufficient haircut. And given all the variety of hairstyles that can be created on the basis of a square, this haircut is by no means boring. In this article we will talk about how to create beautiful hairstyles for a bob haircut.
Types of hairstyles on a square
In general, all hairstyles are inherently divided into two large types:
- Holiday and evening hairstyles;
- Hairstyles for every day.
Each of these species has its own specific characteristics. The festive hairstyle should look solemn and beautiful, but quite a lot of time is spent on its creation. But the daily hairstyle should not only be simple in execution, but also look stylish and modern.
Do-it-yourself festive and evening hairstyles on a square
Many people think that making a beautiful evening hairstyle for a haircut is very difficult. We will refute this theory. Of course, high hairstyles really cannot be created, but no one has canceled chic Hollywood curls or stylish wet styling.
Hollywood curls on a square
To create stylish Hollywood curls we need:
- curling iron;
- hair dryer;
- thermal protection agent;
- hairbrush;
- fixative;
- hair ornaments.
To start, wash my hair and dry it with a towel. We apply a thermal protection agent and blow dry a hairdryer with a round comb, lifting the hair from the roots. Comb them, apply thermal protection again, make a parting (it can be straight or shifted to one side, as you like) and start creating curls. Curls can be larger or smaller, as you wish. Carefully separate one strand of medium thickness and wind it onto the curling iron. Similarly, create the rest of the curls. Decorate the finished styling and fix with varnish or spray.
Greek racking
Another romantic version of an evening hairstyle on a square is a Greek hairstyle. To create it, we need:
- curling iron;
- a special bandage for a Greek hairstyle;
- hairpins and invisibility;
- fixative;
- thermal protection agent.
To start, we wind the hair to give it volume. After that, we put on a special elastic band, fixing it with invisibility. After that, we twist the hair for this elastic, slightly dissolve them so that the hairstyle looks more voluminous. if you used an elastic band without decoration, you can add some accessory to the hairstyle.
More options for evening and holiday hairstyles for a haircut:
Do-it-yourself daily hairstyles
There are also many everyday hairstyles on the square. And to the great surprise of many ladies, even beautiful weaving can be created on a square.
A fine everyday hairstyle can be a braid rim, a sloppy bun or a basket. If desired, you can create a beautiful tail with fleece.
More options for daily hairstyles for a haircut: