Coloring gray hair: we understand all the subtleties (20 photos before and after)

Time is unshakable. It inexorably takes our years to a far distant place, and in place over the years our beauty gradually fades. However, the modern beauty industry is literally littered with all kinds of cosmetics and procedures to preserve and restore youth and beauty. But perhaps the most popular among all women is dyeing gray hair. Some women do not react at all to the appearance of gray hairs, but for someone it’s a sore subject. In any case, the return to the hair of its former color, saturation and beauty is quite feasible. In this article, we will talk about how to correctly paint over gray hair, what it generally is and look at examples of work before and after staining.

Why does gray hair appear?

A special pigment, melanin, is responsible for the color of our hair. With age, it begins to develop worse, as a result of which gray hairs appear. Even in their structure, they are very different from ordinary hair. Firstly, gray hair is less colorable due to the fact that their structure changes, they become more rigid and dry. Secondly, the hair loses its natural shine, which also affects their coloring.

Types of gray hair

According to the concentration of gray hair, there are:

  • focal gray hair - this is when gray hair accumulates in one particular place (on the temples or on the back of the head);
  • scattered gray hair - this is when gray hair does not concentrate in one place, but is scattered throughout the hair volume.

In addition, the structure of the hair also plays a huge role in dyeing. Thin and soft gray hair is easiest to dye, but hard and brittle (they are also called glass) is the most difficult.

Gray hair dyeing technology

There is a certain sequence when staining gray hair:

  1. Diagnosis of gray hair. At this stage, determine the type of gray hair, hair structure and their general condition
  2. The second stage is divided into two: etching or prepigmentation. Dressing is a procedure in which the hair is treated with a special oxidizing solution to open the hair flakes. The etching is used in the so-called "glass gray", when the flakes too tightly fit together and prevent the penetration of the coloring pigment inside. Pre-pigmentation is a procedure in which a certain area of ​​the hair is saturated with pigment, before the main dyeing. Pre-pigmentation is used, for example, with overgrown gray roots. The choice of a particular method depends on the desired staining result.
  3. Application of a coloring composition with the addition of a specific oxidizing agent.
  4. After a certain time, the paint is washed off, and a special rinse conditioner is applied to the hair, with the help of which the result is fixed and the dyed hair is given shine.

Features of dyeing gray hair

It is worth remembering that diffuse and focal gray hair should be painted in different ways. Scattered gray hair should be dyed using pre-pigmentation and various oxidizing agents. Oxidizing agents will be used for the most uniform coloring. Pigmentation products must be kept for 20 minutes. In addition, it is important to remember that only areas with established gray should be subjected to pigmentation, so that color oversaturation does not occur.

Professional stylists do not recommend staining gray hair at home.In the salon, the master will not only correctly select the color, but will also do all the necessary manipulations.


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