Rack on a leg: features, varieties, options for execution (55 photos)

A square with a leg is one of the types of cutting of a square. She became popular thanks to her unusual performance. In shape, this haircut really resembles a fungus on the leg. Hence the corresponding name. This haircut is becoming more and more popular and for several seasons has not left the leadership among short haircuts. In this article, we will consider all the features and varieties of this haircut, as well as talk about the technique for its implementation.

Features haircuts with a leg

The caret on the stalk differs from the usual caret in that it has very short hairs on the back of the head that smoothly turn into longer ones. The square on the leg looks more extravagant and bright. This haircut is able to refresh and renew the classic quack that has bothered everyone and add a twist to the new look. The classic square on the leg is distinguished by the presence of a distinctive promontory and a sharp even cut, due to which the same leg is visible. However, many stylists prefer to make smoother transitions in order to soften the already so prominent haircut.

Undoubtedly, like any other haircut, a square with a leg has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of this haircut include:

  • in this haircut, the neck and face are very open, which in certain cases makes the image more expressive and elegant;
  • a square on the leg makes the hair visually thicker;
  • This haircut refers to anti-aging, so you can safely choose it for ladies after 40 years;
  • rack on the leg is quite simple to lay;
  • in view of the whole variety of varieties of this haircut, it can suit absolutely any shape of the face.

But this haircut has certain disadvantages:

  • the haircut technique itself is quite laborious and requires the implementation of an experienced professional master who can choose the right haircut option according to your face type and hair structure;
  • This haircut must be constantly updated, otherwise it will lose its shape and will not look so spectacular.

Varieties of squares on the leg

Every year, stylists try to surprise us more and more, and therefore create new options for the execution of various haircuts so loved by us. Kare on the leg was no exception. Here are just some of the varieties that stylists offer us:

  1. Kare on a leg with lengthening. It differs from the classic square on the leg by the presence of elongated front strands.
  2. Graduated square on the leg. Suitable for girls who need to add hair even more volume. Together with fashionable coloring in several tones looks simply incomparable.
  3. Shortened square on the leg. A very bold option that not all women choose. The essence of this haircut is to open the back of the head almost to the middle of the head.
  4. Asymmetric square on the leg. This haircut is preferred by girls who are ready and not afraid of experiments with their appearance. The essence of the haircut is to create longer strands on one side of the face and shorter ones on the other. However, the asymmetry can be absolutely any.
  5. Kare on a leg with a bang. This type of haircut is mainly chosen by girls who need to hide an overly high forehead.

Options for a rack on the leg and rear view

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