Black highlighting of hair: features and basic techniques of dyeing (51 photos)

Highlighting is perhaps the most affordable and simple technology for dyeing hair. It will help not only refresh your image, but also give it a certain zest. Currently, there is simply an incredible amount of all kinds of techniques and types of highlighting. Usually under the highlighting means coloring individual strands in bright colors. However, there is the so-called black highlighting. He will be discussed in our today's article. In it we will talk about what is black highlighting in general and what are the types of black highlighting, and also tell you how to properly care for hair with black highlighting.

What is black highlighting?

Black highlighting involves dyeing several strands of hair in a darker (almost black shade). This kind of highlighting is best suited for girls with dark blond hair. If you want to refresh your image and at the same time not to spoil your hair, then black highlighting is ideal for you. Due to the fact that dyeing does not occur throughout the entire hair volume, the hair does not suffer. In addition, when the roots grow, it will be enough to paint over only the regrowth. This is undoubtedly a weighty argument in favor of black highlighting.

American black highlighting technique

This is perhaps the most popular black highlighting technique. With it, even thin hair can be given a visual volume. In addition, this technique is very simple to implement and, if desired, it can be repeated even at home. A feature of this technique is the use of several shades at once, which makes the image more expressive and multifaceted. The process of black highlighting is practically no different from any other type of highlighting.

Its essence is as follows: initially, the hair is combed well and broken into small locks. The strand should be about 2 centimeters thick, but may be thicker, depending on the desired effect. Then the strand is placed on the foil, after which a coloring composition is applied to it and the foil is wrapped. The same thing is done with other strands in a chaotic manner. The paint is aged on the hair for a certain time, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Black Highlight Hair Care

After any type of staining, we certainly want our new look to last as long as possible. For hair with black highlighting, there are even their own specific special rules for care. Here are some of them:

  1. Reduce the use of shampoo. Any shampoo in the first place should be selected according to the type of your hair. Ladies with dry hair should better refuse shampoo altogether, replacing it with a conditioner. It will not only make the hair clean, but also soft and moisturized.
  2. Use more natural cosmetics. You must try to choose a more natural natural cosmetics containing in its composition natural ingredients.
  3. Black strands need constant hydration, so you need to nourish them with natural oils.
  4. Choose better care products. When choosing the right hair care product, remember one stunning saying: "The avaricious pays twice." It’s better to overpay a little and get a quality product that really will bring results, or save, and be content with what you have, without anticipating a special result.

More options for black highlighting:

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