Cancer + Lion sign compatibility in love and friendship

Cancer Woman + Lion Man: Love Compatibility

Despite the complete opposite of characters, Cancer and Leo are a very good couple. At first glance, it may seem that a woman-Cancer is completely not the type of woman that Leo likes. And the truth is, usually Lions pay attention to strong and bright women, like themselves, but not in the case of Cancer. Her femininity and gentleness, this is exactly what the royal Leo needs.

In this pair, partners complement each other. Cancer allows Leo to shine in society, although sometimes this makes her jealous. She surrounds her Leo with care and love, establishes a cozy life. Leo, in response to her efforts, is proud of her chosen one, he is successful and fully provides for his family. Cancer Woman is a thrifty housewife, because they always have a reserve for a rainy day. Cancer balances the thoughtless impulses of Leo and thanks to this he becomes more successful in life.

The problem may be the obstinacy of both signs, especially Leo. Leo has a bad habit, he loves to change people, adapt them to himself, and Cancer has no intention of losing her personality. It seems to Leo that Cancer is too closed, because he will try to pull it into the light, which she absolutely does not need. Cancer, in turn, will be jealous of the restless Leo and try to make him more homely, like herself. In general, this confrontation is like constantly pulling a blanket, whoever could not get hold of it, the second will freeze.

Breaking the character of your soulmate is not a way out of the situation, but an aggravation of the problem.

Both of them should understand that in the end, they will receive a miserable broken parody of the person whom they were in love with. All that is needed to maintain the union is for Cancer to remain itself, showing its characteristic care and tenderness for its Leo. Then he wants to appear at home more often and does not want to change anything in his beloved.

  • Friendship Compatibility

Cancer is not a very friendly sign, unless family matters. She is not inclined to trust someone and start close relationships. The lion, on the contrary, is very friendly and open. Their attitude to friendship is very different, as well as their characters and hobbies. They can make friends, but friendship between them is excluded.

Cancer Man + Lion Woman: Love Compatibility

There are many pitfalls in this union. Such couples are rare enough, because for a happy ending, they both need to work hard on themselves and many simply decide that it is not worth it. To begin with, Cancer will have to go no small way to win the heart of the Lioness. The Lion woman does not pay attention to Cancer herself, he needs to long and hard to pursue it. However, simply to achieve your goal and gain the favor of Leo is not even half the battle. If a couple decides to tie their fates, they will have to face a number of complications.

To begin with, you need to consider that Lions are wasteful, and Crayfish on the contrary are very economical and this can be one of the problems. In addition, Leo takes work very seriously, paying much more attention to it than Cancer, which may offend someone who, as a result, will demand a revision of the schedule, but he won’t get what he wants. The only way out for Cancer is to come to terms with the fact that Leo does not change. Another problem may be the closed nature of Cancer. He loves family evenings, and she prefers parties, Cancer begins to be jealous and this leads to scandals. A couple should coordinate their leisure time, find common interests that will satisfy both.

Also, the Lioness should get used to the fact that in their relationship there will always be a third party and it is useless to fight it - his mother.

  • Friendship Compatibility

They are good friends. Leo is very emotional and often needs the support of Cancer, who not only sets his shoulder, but also sings a laudatory song that will instantly lift Leo’s mood. Leo loves praise and approval, sometimes even needs it, and Cancer is a very sensitive friend and knows what Leo lacks. In turn, Cancer draws from this friendship a charge of inspiration and positive.

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