Sagittarius woman + Aquarius man: compatibility in love
To say that these signs are compatible with each other is to say nothing. They are created for each other, if there are second halves in the world, then it is they. They do not seek to find or conquer each other; instead, the Universe does it. The most important thing for this couple is not to wallow in routine. Only life and boredom can destroy this relationship. But fortunately, this is rare. They have a common circle of interests, they are active and unpredictable, none of them will limit their partner in anything, and this is the best course for them. They do not care about material wealth, they prefer to develop spiritually. Both partners receive a very positive charge from these relationships. Even if for some reason the couple diverges, then this happens by mutual desire, without quarrels and abuse, and most often because of their love of freedom. Both of them do not like to burden themselves with duties, and therefore, if one of the partners decides to take this serious step earlier than the other, then parting is possible. However, if the union is nevertheless concluded, then there are no circumstances that could destroy it.
Friendship Compatibility
Often, such friendship leads to a serious relationship, even if this implies a break in the previous relationship between both signs. They perfectly understand each other, their temperaments and lifestyles are very similar. Sagittarius and Aquarius often have common hobbies and hobbies. Such friendship is not burdensome for both friends, on the contrary, it gives them pleasure.
Sagittarius man + Aquarius woman: compatibility in love
This pair needs a little work on itself, but the result is worth it. The Aquarius woman has her own, exceptional view of the world and of love. She is freedom-loving and will not, at every opportunity, push her chosen one to marriage, relations that don’t oblige her partner to do anything, but at the same time, she will not tolerate infidelity. Loving flirting and allowing himself periodic interventions, Sagittarius wounds the tender heart of his companion and can thus ruin the relationship. However, if Aquarius initially sets himself correctly, shows that she is worthy of admiration and worship, Sagittarius will not look the other way, except at her beloved. Both signs give great attention to their spiritual and intellectual development, they have similar aspirations in life, to some extent, each of them wants to save the world, or at least change it for the better. However, in his quest to improve the world, Aquarius often forgets about himself and his career, which cannot be said about Sagittarius. Sagittarius takes his social status seriously and when he rises, his self-esteem rises, as a result of which, Sagittarius becomes a little arrogant, he begins to teach Aquarius. However, if Aquarius is also engaged in its development and achieves certain successes, then respect for such a woman will not allow Sagittarius to behave in this way. Having dealt with these problems, Aquarius and Sagittarius form a very strong union, where mutual understanding, support and love reign.
Friendship Compatibility
The sincere and friendly woman Aquarius will become a reliable and loyal friend for Sagittarius. However, Sagittarius himself may want fresh impressions and simply forget about his girlfriend.If such an unpleasant situation does not happen, then Sagittarius and Aquarius become loyal friends who are always interested in talking with each other, their conversation topics never end, because both love to philosophize about the high, and this topic is inexhaustible.