Sagittarius woman + Pisces man: compatibility in love
This is a pair of completely opposite people. Sagittarius loves communication, noisy companies, she is cheerful and optimistic. But Pisces, on the contrary, are closed, they prefer quiet family evenings, are prone to digging themselves and pessimism. Can they have something in common? With a successful combination of stars, such a union is possible. Of course, both signs will have to work on themselves, for the success of the couple, and even then, there are no guarantees, but there is always a chance. In an attempt to maintain a relationship, the most important thing is not to lose your personality. Sagittarius, who is forced to lead a home, closed lifestyle. cannot be happy, she will feel like a bird in a golden cage that will never sing. Pisces also should not break their foundations and contrary to their own desires to accompany the restless Sagittarius everywhere, this will not bring them joy, only inconvenience and misfortune. Sagittarius and Pisces can compromise, for example, refuse to visit too crowded places and noisy gatherings in favor of more secluded places in a narrow circle of acquaintances. Thus, they will not completely limit the communication with other people that Sagittarius needs so much, but only reduce it to the level that makes Pisces comfortable. In addition, Pisces value material goods, just like Sagittarius, but earning money from them doesn’t really work out, therefore, in a pair, material support usually falls on the shoulders of Sagittarius, which they are given easier than Pisces. Having overcome the main difficulties, the couple seeks to create a strong family, they are spiritually developed people, perhaps even believers who are happy to participate in charity work and constitute an example for public imitation.
Friendship Compatibility
Such friendships will not last too long. If the signs have common interests, then for some time they can communicate, but exactly until Sagittarius bluntness hurts Pisces, while Sagittarius keeps his opinion to himself, they will communicate, but when she gets tired and tells Pisces, everything what thinks about them, friendship ends.
Sagittarius man + Pisces woman: compatibility in love
Woman-Pisces will attract the attention of Sagittarius with her sociability, ability to interestingly present new information and maintain a conversation, and of course, her attractiveness. Sagittarius appreciate smart women, and complete with the beauty of Pisces, they will easily conquer it. However, Pisces will be disturbed by the freedom of love of Sagittarius, no, he will not cheat on her, he is proud of his chosen one and worships her, but he cannot refuse an active social life even for the sake of love. Sagittarius needs communication, this is his life, and Pisces lives in a closed world, for her happiness it is enough only for the presence of her chosen one, it is difficult for her to understand why Sagittarius needs something else, she is afraid that he and her love are not enough for him. Pisces should understand that Sagittarius does not like her less when he is at a distance and find something to do, separate from Sagittarius, so as not to bother with stupid things. Fishes are very vulnerable, and Sagittarius often show complete tactlessness in expressing their feelings. If Sagittarius is not satisfied with something, he will not restrain his emotions without attaching great importance to the words, and Pisces can greatly hurt this attitude. Pisces needs to understand that Sagittarius does not want to offend her and in most cases, does not even understand that in his words she can hurt her tender feelings.In an ideal situation, mutual respect reigns in the pair of Sagittarius and Pisces, Sagittarius protects his chosen one and her feelings, protects her from the outside world and becomes better and more restrained next to her.
Friendship Compatibility
They are good friends, although they do not often see each other. They love long conversations, often on philosophical topics. Sagittarius likes the intellect of Pisces and their vision of the world. Pisces are not as socially active as Sagittarius, because they do not often spend leisure time together, but this does not prevent their friendship from being sincere and deep.