Sagittarius woman + Capricorn male: compatibility in love
You can not call them the most successful pair of the zodiac, but fortunately, they are not the most hopeless. They have a lot of differences, moreover, they have practically nothing in common, therefore it is very difficult for them to build strong relations. Both partners will have to work hard to create a lasting alliance. Sagittarius values independence and freedom, she loves change, travel and spontaneity, very often Sagittarius seek spiritual enlightenment, and it is difficult for Capricorn to understand such a way of life. Capricorn is very circumspect, caution is in the first place for him, he does not like to take risks, he is often pessimistic, he is self-critical and picky, at the same time he is very responsive and always comes to the aid of loved ones. The main problem of this couple is their lifestyles. Sagittarius loves companies, outings and travels, while Capricorn will have a better time at home, in peace and quiet. The key to success of such an initiative is trust. If both partners learn to trust each other so much that they begin to plan their leisure separately, they will be able to create a completely happy couple. In this pair, Sagittarius will act as a traveling frog, and Capricorn is something like Emely on the stove, but it’s not a lazy person. They will receive a lot from these relations, Capricorn is quite successful and will be able to fully provide Sagittarius, while he will teach her to stand firmly on her feet and see the world without pink glasses, and Sagittarius will give Capricorn more optimism and give her full support and trust.
Friendship Compatibility
As stated above, their characters are very different, this is the reason why they do not become good friends. Capricorn, in principle, does not recognize women as friends, and Sagittarius is simply bored with him. They can communicate if they have intersection points, mutual friends, work, hobbies, but things will not go beyond simple communication.
Work. It is difficult for them to work together, although both signs pay great attention to a career, their methods of achieving the goal are too different to work in pairs. The calculating and hardworking Capricorn will not appreciate the adventurism and ardor of Sagittarius.
Capricorn woman + Sagittarius man: compatibility in love
By and large, this union is based not so much on love as on calculation. This is not about the material benefits that partners can receive from an alliance with each other, but about social status. Often, Sagittarius is interested in the benefit in these relations, Capricorn has many useful acquaintances for him and he will gladly take advantage of this. In addition, Sagittarius understands that a successful and confident woman next to him will increase his status in society. Thus, this is a couple of people who achieve success, they are not worried about everyday issues, but social status and career are important for both. Sagittarius seems to Capricorn too unpredictable, he used to succeed, but often relies on luck, while Capricorn believes in a clear calculation. She always knows what she wants, she has a clear and thoughtful plan for all occasions and she does not like to leave him, but Sagittarius, on the contrary, destroys all plans and loves spontaneity. This can cause a breakdown in the pair of Sagittarius and Capricorn, unless Capricorn learns to capitalize on the impermanence of his partner. If Capricorn looks at it from the other side, he will see that Sagittarius is not just spontaneous, but multifaceted, and this trait can be used advantageously in life.
Friendship Compatibility
They maintain friendly relations among themselves, but they are no longer based on trust, but on respect. Both signs respect each other for success and intelligence, but none of the ways to achieve the goals of the partner inspire confidence. In particular, Sagittarius may admire Capricorn, her achievements, but she will always seem to him boring and monotonous. Capricorn, in turn, will certainly appreciate the achievements of Sagittarius, but his crazy temper will scare her away.