Sagittarius woman + Virgo man: compatibility in love
This is a very original couple, few of them reach the happy ending, but still this happens. They are almost the exact opposite of each other. The Male Virgo is a typical representative of his element, he is the true Earth, while Sagittarius, the best personifies Fire. The man in this couple loves order, he is sedate, consistent and predictable, Virgo takes care of money and always makes a reserve for a “rainy day,” which he does not understand, scares him, he is self-critical, but is achieving his goal. The Sagittarius woman values freedom, communication and luxury, she will not save money and this is not to the liking of her frugal chosen one. In addition, Sagittarius may seem frivolous to Virgo, she does not like to do household chores, but not because she is lazy, just Sagittarius knows that Virgo does it much better. While Virgo prefers to lead a secluded life, Sagittarius seeks to communicate, she just needs to constantly receive news, but this does not interfere with the couple. The fact is that Virgo loves to keep abreast of recent events, therefore, upon the arrival of Sagittarius, they are happy to discuss new information. Virgo can be quite cruel in communication, his sense of humor leaves much to be desired, constant tricks on his part injure Sagittarius. For this couple, the ideal solution would be if Sagittarius will also earn money, and not sit on Virgo’s neck, then she will be able to satisfy all her vagaries, for which Virgo does not consider it necessary to spend money. Sagittarius needs to understand that Virgo is not greedy, he will gladly give her gifts and spend money on her, but only within reasonable limits, if he considers some thing to be useless, he will not buy it, but rather he will save this money for what something more necessary from his point of view. As for the Virgin's jokes, Sagittarius should talk with his chosen one about this and give arguments that will convince him that such behavior is unacceptable and hurts her feelings. Virgos are generally quite adequate people and perceive logical arguments. In general, if both of them can take their soul mate with all its pluses and minuses and learn to cope with this, then this alliance is quite possible, but not every pair of Sagittarius and Virgo succeeds.
Friendship Compatibility
These relations will not develop into a strong friendship, but communication between them is possible. They like to talk on philosophical topics and share news. More precisely, Sagittarius brings the news, and Virgo happily discusses them. However, the Sagittarius woman herself is bored with Virgo, because their relationship will remain at the friendly stage.
Work. This pair is compatible when it comes to creative professions or professions with a scientific bias. Then they will be able to work in tandem very fruitfully. In other directions, they unfortunately converge heavily.
Sagittarius man + Virgo woman: compatibility in love
In this alliance, each partner can learn something useful for himself. At first, it will not be easy for them to accept each other's views, especially for the Virgin. Sagittarius loves to live in a big way, he makes expensive gifts to his beloved and asks for nothing in return, except for usual gratitude, and Virgo sees this only as wastefulness. This is the main problem of the couple, Virgo cannot appreciate the breadth of the soul of Sagittarius and it hurts him.However, to some extent, the thrift of the Virgin becomes useful to Sagittarius, he learns from her a more responsible attitude to money, and Virgo herself learns from Sagittarius to look at things more widely. These signs have much in common, they like to discuss the news, philosophize for a long time, their views on life as a whole coincide, but Virgo pays more attention to details, while Sagittarius sees the whole picture. A virgin should learn to accept Sagittarius as he is and not try to re-educate him, instead Sagittarius will teach her how to enjoy life. Virgo’s attention to detail can help Sagittarius in many ways, they only need to learn how to complement their partner’s weaknesses with their strengths. Virgo does not need to argue with Sagittarius and teach his life, no matter how much she wants, she needs to accept his views on life and help him go his own way.
Friendship Compatibility
This is a union of two people developed spiritually and intellectually. They are interested in communicating with each other, especially on philosophical topics. But this connection is not enough for true friendship, they will communicate with each other and perfectly find a common language, but if they have nothing more in common, then the relationship will remain at the friendly stage.