Sign compatibility Sagittarius + Cancer in love and friendship

Sagittarius woman + Cancer man: compatibility in love

Such pairs are not common, as they tend to break up. At first, the female Sagittarius will interest the timid Cancer with its eloquence, smile, and goodwill. In turn, Sagittarius will enjoy the reliability of Cancer. However, they quickly realize that their temperaments vary widely. Cancer is a homebody, he is not looking for new acquaintances and adventures, which cannot be said about the Sagittarius woman, her spirit is saturated with adventurism, she is ready to find new friends literally everywhere and constantly strives for something new. It is hard for such different people to find common interests, so they quickly get bored with each other and they disagree. However, each rule has its own exceptions and those are also found in pairs of Cancer with Sagittarius. Not often, but still there are pairs of these signs that managed to step over astrological incompatibility and create a strong union. In such couples, a woman takes care of the feelings of her partner, we can say that she protects him. Cancer recognizes the supremacy of Sagittarius in the house and has nothing against it, he does not try to limit his chosen one in something, and she responds with restraint and does not give him reasons for jealousy and concern. Sagittarius knows that Cancer cannot be scandalized, they are completely unable to restrain themselves, because she skillfully translates all problems as a joke, thereby preserving peace in the house. Their house is an occasion for pride, it is always well-groomed and richly furnished, they both pay great attention to this.

  • Friendship Compatibility

You can’t call their relationship a strong friendship, rather it is the relationship of two friends who communicate when one of them needs something from the other. Cancer will always help with the housework if Sagittarius asks for it, and Sagittarius, in turn, shares news and helps with connections.

The compatibility of this pair in work is extremely low. They work in different rhythms and do not recognize each other's methods. The productivity of such a union leaves much to be desired in the business sphere.

Sagittarius man + Cancer woman: compatibility in love

This pair has a much better chance for the future than their prototype. In this case, the difference in temperament can play into their hands. Woman Cancer is not only charming in appearance, but also very economic, which cannot but attract Sagittarius. Sagittarius man needs to have reason to be proud and he finds it in his beautiful and smart wife. Cancer can organize life so that Sagittarius wants to return home, wherever he is. However, the cause of the discord in such a pair may be the insecurity of the Cancer woman in herself and her partner. Crayfish in general is a very suspicious and closed sign, which cannot be said about Sagittarius. The Sagittarius man needs constant communication, he loves big companies and new acquaintances, but Cancer feels comfortable only with his family. It is difficult for a woman-cancer to understand Sagittarius’s desire for communication outside the family and she may regard this as a betrayal, she is afraid that Sagittarius will simply get tired of returning home to her. And Sagittarius, in turn, is just very pleased to return home, but on condition that it will be a safe haven for him and there will not be scandals waiting for him. So the success of the couple depends entirely on Cancer, if she learns to trust her partner, then the couple will live happily ever after.

  • Friendship Compatibility

Sagittarius seems cancer frivolous, and Cancer Sagittarius - boring. Of course, under a certain set of circumstances, friendship between them is possible, but not from the category of “friends forever”.Sagittarius loves taking care of the weak and can take the defenseless Cancer woman under his care, moreover, sometimes they manage to find common topics for conversation, but this is not enough for a strong friendship.

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