For a woman, any solemn event or just an evening romantic walk is another reason to sparkle with its beauty. One of the main attributes when creating an evening look is styling. It is the evening styling that makes the image whole and complete. It is not necessary to create any complex hairstyles or run to the hairdresser each time to make a beautiful hairdo. With a little workout you can create stunning evening styling at home. In a recent article, we talked about what fashionable evening and holiday hairstyles exist and how to create your own evening hairstyle on long, medium and short hair, and in today's article we’ll talk about creating beautiful evening hair styling for various lengths. After reading this article and training a little, you can create incredibly beautiful styling with your own hands.
Highlights for creating evening styling
To create beautiful evening styling, you must follow certain rules that will allow you to not only quickly and accurately perform styling, but also the styling itself will delight you throughout the evening.
- Hair must be washed and well combed.
- Strongly straight hair must be curled slightly (if styling does not imply smooth strands)
- Be sure to take care of styling products in advance (they are selected according to the type of your hair and depending on the structure of your future styling). The same applies to all kinds of accessories and jewelry for hairstyles. They must be purchased in advance. Do not forget about such mandatory devices as hairpins and invisibility, as some styling (especially for long hair) implies their presence.
- Do not forget also that your styling must necessarily be combined with your entire image (dress, makeup, etc.)
- Remember that less is better, but better. This applies to jewelry and styling in general. No need to do everything all at once. Overloaded styling looks messy and pretentious.
- Observe the measure and in the amount of use of styling products. Excess amount of hairspray will create the effect of a dirty head, so when applying all kinds of styling products, you need to be very careful.
- Remember also that the main thing is comfort. Do not create styling that restricts your movements and causes you discomfort.
Long Hair Styling
Long hair means creating a huge number of all kinds of evening hairstyles, from ordinary curls to a beautifully styled bun. Owners of long hair can experiment with more extraordinary types of evening styling, however, it is better to create this kind of thing from a professional craftsman.
Hollywood curls
This is a very simple and very effective hairstyle for long hair. It suits absolutely any girl. With the help of beautiful curls, you can create both a romantic and sensual image, as well as a passionate and fatal one. In any case, you can experiment and understand which option suits you best.
So, to create luxurious curls we need:
- ironing or curling iron;
- fixing agents (mousse, foam);
- thermal protection agent;
- varnish for fixing the finished styling;
- a comb with a thin long nose.
First you need to wash your hair, gently dry it and comb your hair well. After that, apply thermal protection to them and only after that proceed with the creation of curls.
IMPORTANT! Do not neglect the product to protect the hair from heat. When using a hair dryer or ironing (like any other heating device), the hair structure is damaged. They become thinner, split, and lifeless.
First of all, we deal with parting. It can be made direct, or asymmetric and even diagonal. It all depends on the shape of the face. Owners of a square and round face shape should make an asymmetric parting. The oval shape of the face can be experimented with any parting. Once you have decided on the parting, go directly to the creation of curls. We take a small strand of hair, apply mousse or foam to it, slightly smooth it and wind it on the curling iron. The thinner the lock, the finer the curl.
IMPORTANT! if you have thin sparse hair, do not make large curls, so there may be an empty space between them.
To straighten the resulting curl, gently pull it by the tip. So it will look more natural. With the remaining strands we do the same. And in the end, just fix the finished styling with varnish. You can also collect curls in a beautiful tail, or simply shift to one side. This hairstyle looks impressive in any condition.
Stunning light evening styling for long hair. She is more suitable for business girls, always collected and purposeful. However, it is worth considering that such a hairstyle is not suitable for every type of person. it is categorically contraindicated with an elongated and narrow face, as it visually stretches it even more. To create this styling you will need:
- hairbrush;
- Polish for hair;
- rubber.
To create additional volume in the upper part of the head, initially we create a light pile on the crown, but after that we gently comb the top layer to make it smooth. Then we tie a high tail and fix the laying with varnish. This is just the perfect styling for going to the club, or to a party. varieties of this styling can be a great many. It can be a high smooth tail, the creation of which is described above, or low and voluminous, more tender. Horse tail can be fleece, or maybe without. It can be placed on its side with voluminous curls. Try, experiment and you will definitely find your ideal option.
Greek styling
Awesome evening styling, which will not take much time, but will look just awesome. It is created using a special so-called Greek gum. Ideal for creating a romantic and sensual image.
So, to create the most beautiful Greek styling, we need:
- means for fixation;
- Greek gum (it is sold in any hairdressing salon and looks like an ordinary hair gum, only much larger in size and, as a rule, is decorated on one side)
- hairbrush.
Washed and dried hair comb well. At the top we make a small pile for volume. After that, we put the Greek gum on the head and begin to spin strands through it from the face, gradually moving to the back of the head. We leave a couple of small locks in the face and wrap them. We fix the finished hairstyle with varnish and enjoy the result!
Evening hair styling
Average hair length is the most optimal. It looks great, both beautiful collected hairstyles and beautiful styling with her hair loose. The average length of the hair is also distinguished by a variety of haircuts, since this includes elongated bean and elongated caret. And for these haircuts, there are many beautiful styling that you can shine on a festive evening.
Assembled French Twist
Nothing is ideally suited for a festive evening out like a French twist. The people call it a shell, in connection with its bizarre form. It is worth remembering that such a hairstyle will look beautiful on obedient hair, which will easily take their places.
So, to create such a styling, we need:
- hairbrush;
- means for fixing the styling;
- hairpins and invisible.
Hairstyle is very easy. We collect well-combed hair into a tourniquet, twist it and pin it up. We decorate the hairstyle with a beautiful hairpin or original hairpin. A couple of locks on the face can be pulled out of the hairstyle. This will create a more romantic look.
In addition to such styling for medium-length hair, you can also perform Hollywood curls. The process of creating them on medium hair is no different from long hair.
Short Hair Styling
Hairstyles for short hair are distinguished by their special originality and style. Many women are now increasingly resorting to short haircuts. The time has passed when women with short haircuts were compared with men, attributing to them strong character traits and a lack of tenderness and femininity. Of course, this is completely absurd. Currently, short haircuts, although considered mischievous and boyish, but only in those cases where the woman's character has this for it. The same goes for evening styling.
When choosing evening styling for short hair, first of all, you need to consider the style of the event. If this is a trip to a cafe with friends, which can smoothly grow into a disco, then casual styling will be a great option. It is carried out very simply. A styling agent is applied to the washed and dried head, after which you simply either ruffle the hair with your hands or set the direction of the strands in a chaotic manner.
For a more solemn event, classic styling, complemented by some beautiful decoration, is suitable. Depending on the length of the hair, you can also create beautiful curls. They look great on a bob haircut or bean. Curls are performed in the same way as for long and medium hair. In addition, you can simply twist one ends, which will also look very impressive.