Many women envy the owners of a thin face and choose their haircuts in such a way as to make their face thinner. However, there should be a middle ground in everything. An excessively thin face also needs correction with a haircut. In addition, often a thin face is also elongated. And she also needs to choose the right haircut in order to adjust excessive elongation. Fortunately, professional stylists can correct almost any lack of appearance by choosing the appropriate haircut and fashionable coloring. In this article we will consider which haircuts are ideal for owners of a thin face.
Basic rules when choosing a haircut
First you need to figure out which face can be considered thin. Not necessarily a thin girl has a thin face. In order to determine whether you have a thin face or not, you need to do the following manipulations: first, measure the height of your face from the hairline to the chin, then measure the width of the face, then divide the height by width, and if the ratio of these two lengths is more than 1, 5, then you are the owner of a thin or elongated face. Girls with an elongated type of face are also distinguished by an elongated high forehead and an oval chin.
To correct the imbalance and round the elongated face, it is necessary to do voluminous haircuts. Curls and light natural curls will also look great on a thin face.
IMPORTANT! Ladies with a thin face should pay attention to the bangs. It should be made straight and thick, it is in this form that it can visually make the face rounder.
But to avoid it is smoothly combed hair, parting and oblique bangs. They will only add unnecessary thinness to the face.
Haircuts for a thin face on long hair
The main thing to remember here is that there should not be long straight hair. You can experiment and create different voluminous hairstyles. The ideal option would be curls. They will not only add volume, but also create a romantic and delicate look. It is also worth looking at such a haircut for long hair, like a ladder. She is also able to visually round her face. A great option would also be a cascading haircut. and if you complement it with a thick straight bang, you get just a great look.
Medium hair thin haircuts
The average length is the most successful for a thin face. With such a length, you can safely experiment with hairstyles and hairstyles, without being afraid to look ridiculous. For the average hair length, you can choose various options for an elongated caret, again, adding to it with a straight thick bang. An elongated bob will also look amazing on a thin face, as it will add the right amount to the head. Do not forget about staining. Professionally performed highlighting or coloring can also add volume to the hair and adjust the nuances of appearance.
Short hair haircuts
But too short haircuts, owners of a thin face should be avoided. As a rule, such haircuts create volume on the top of the head and stretch the face even more. If you still can not imagine yourself with long hair, then it is better to give preference to pixie. Due to the different lengths of the strands and chaotic styling, you can achieve the desired effect and create volume in the temple. From short haircuts, you can also stop on a bob haircut. She will also be able to favorably emphasize sophisticated facial features and at the same time hide her natural thinness.