Gemini woman + Pisces man: love compatibility
It is difficult for them to find a common language and the point is not so much that they are too different, as that this pair does not have a leader and a slave, or rather they are both more likely slaves than leaders. It is hard to call the Fish Man successful, he is often unlucky in life, his endeavors are rarely successful and he blames himself. Pisces are more dreamers than figures. The twins are not inclined to condemn their partner for failure, they support him at a difficult moment and share their lightness and positive. However, in such a pair, it is the Twins who have to take on the role of the head of the family, she is more responsible and prudent than Pisces, although she does not have such a role, she would prefer to give the primacy to a strong man, be so close. But there is a plus in this situation, in such a pair the Twins develop stronger character traits, become more reasonable and thoughtful, take less risk and fully reveal their potential, which may turn out to be hidden together with a more active partner. If the Gemini will make such changes in order to maintain relations, Pisces will gladly give them the palm and trust in everything, they will find support in the person of Gemini and reliable support.
Friendship Compatibility
They well find a common language and much better friends than lovers. Gemini helps Pisces in difficult situations to cope with stress, they take care of them and at the same time do not interfere with their lives, do not teach and charge Pisces with their positive, which is so lacking. Pisces are interesting interlocutors; they gladly make up the company of Gemini, both in communication and at various events. Both characters love to show imagination and therefore their communication will be very interesting and versatile.
Gemini Man + Pisces Woman: Compatibility in Love
Such couples are rare, mainly because Pisces is not exactly the type of women that Gemini likes. Most often, Gemini choose a bright, strong woman as a companion, and Pisces can not be attributed to such. However, such couples also happen, in them Pisces perform the duties of a housewife, and the Twins make a career. In such a pair, Gemini likes that Pisces establish life and do not interfere in their affairs, when they come home they get care and comfort, can relax and take a break from pressing problems. In such a marriage, both halves get what they want: Gemini - well-established and calm life, and Pisces - security. It can become a problem if one of the partners lacks what is in these relations, the Pisces being conceived by the displeased side. It seems unfair to them that the Twins pay little attention to them, spraying on friends, work and hobbies. Pisces are emotional in expressing their feelings, discontent can develop into tantrums, and Gemini does not need this in a relationship. Pisces should understand that everyone in a pair should have their own interests, find a hobby and not have tantrums out of the blue. The twins are not at all opposed to Pisces expanding his interests; on the contrary, he will only be glad to see the different sides of his chosen one.
Friendship Compatibility
Friendship of Gemini with Pisces resembles friendship Gemini with Capricorn, they are also compatible only at the level of family ties and no more. The twin man does not go into his pocket for a word and can often offend the already vulnerable Pisces, because they will bypass him.Fishes are too boring for active Gemini, moreover, they are prone to female tantrums, which the Gemini simply can not stand.