Sign compatibility Gemini + Sagittarius in love and friendship

Gemini woman + Sagittarius man: compatibility in love

This couple has a lot in common and excellent compatibility. They both love to learn something new, travel, discover previously unknown to themselves. None of the partners limits the other in his ambitions. In addition, both Gemini and Scorpio have a great sense of humor, because they are very fond of them in companies, and this helps them a lot in relationships. Some Sagittarius, unfortunately, do not know how to behave with women at all, but the Twin can easily translate the unceremoniousness of his partner into an innocent joke, so she simultaneously shows him how ridiculous he looks and does not resort to quarrels and moralizing. Sometimes, the couple’s problem can be the man’s excessive love of love. It seems to him that he is not doing anything wrong, openly flirting with other women, such Sagittarius, they need women's attention and do not attach much importance to monogamy. However, the Twins do not share the views of Sagittarius on the relationship in a pair and this behavior can be a big problem. The fact is that Sagittarius is constantly striving for new sensations and the versatility of Gemini will become a way out of this difficult situation. Gemini women need to constantly change, which is not difficult for her, then Sagittarius will not have to look for novelty on the side.

  • Friendship Compatibility

As mentioned above, this pair has a lot in common. Their passion for change, travel and self-development is becoming an excellent basis for strong friendships. They like to discuss the latest news and attend various events together, their view of different things very often coincides, but even if this does not happen, they will not curse, but will have an exciting discussion. Such friendships can last a lifetime.

Gemini man + Sagittarius woman: compatibility in love

Their relationship is based primarily on friendships. This does not mean that there is no love or passion between them, just friendship becomes the basis, and everything else comes after it. Sagittarius will not be difficult to interest Gemini with the versatility of his personality and breadth of views. Gemini loves smart women, they value the ability to maintain a conversation and the intelligence of a partner. Both signs have many common hobbies, they do not like to sit still, strive for change and new knowledge. However, it is their passion for change that can ruin their relationship. They constantly want something new and this also applies to relationships, over time, it becomes boring for both partners, they understand that relationships have outlived themselves and are moving on. After parting, Gemini and Scorpio often remain friends and continue communication. It will not be easy for the couple to avoid such a turn of events, because they have no problems or complaints against each other, they disagree by mutual desire and this is due to the characteristics of their characters. All that can be done is to try to make as much diversity as possible in the relationship, so that they do not seem boring and maximally organize a joint life. Gemini and Sagittarius are very practical and if they have joint property, children, business, then both will think about it before sacrificing all this.

  • Friendship Compatibility

They enjoy spending leisure time together. It is difficult to find a person who shares a friend’s hobbies, as Sagittarius and Gemini do.However, one should not expect that the Twins will sacrifice something for friendship, they are unlikely to support the Twins at a difficult moment, rather, the friendship will be based on sharing hobbies and discussions.

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