More recently, we have published a whole block of articles about short haircuts of their varieties, short hairstyles and dyes. We talked about how even ultra-short haircuts can be feminine and sexy. What can we say about more elegant options such as bob and bob. In our article today, we recall the main varieties of short haircuts and talk about how they should look at the back. After all, the rear view is also very important when creating an image. The haircut should look perfect on all sides.
Varieties of short haircuts and their rear view
Bob haircut and her rear view
A real breakthrough in the new season is Bob's haircut and all its varieties. In shape, it really resembles a bean (bean), hence the name. Modern stylists do not mind playing with such a haircut and supplement it with all kinds of elements such as oblique or torn bangs. The classic bob is a short haircut in the back with gradually lengthening strands in front. It looks stylish and very beautiful.
Haircut and its rear view
The most popular haircut for short hair is definitely a bob. The classic square is performed with an absolutely straight cut and the same bang. However, at present, stylists come up with and combine different haircuts. An example of such assimilation is a bob-haircut. It looks fresh and original. The same square on the knife, although now not as popular as some time ago, still does not leave the hearts of some women. There are many varieties of squares, and any woman can find a suitable option for herself.
Session haircut and her back view
If you know who Mireille Mathieu is, then you can easily imagine this haircut. It was thanks to her that she received such crazy popularity, and still does not leave the hearts of many women. A distinctive feature of this haircut is a perfectly formed smooth cut line. Smooth hair and curved bangs also make this haircut. There should also be a smooth cut line on the back from one side to the other. There is no negligence and vagabondness in that stream. she must be perfect in everything.
Garson haircut and her back view
Awesome boyish haircut. Usually she is chosen by very energetic and freedom-loving women. It can be styled in a smooth hairstyle, but you can create some kind of mess on the head, which will give a more boyish mischievous look. This haircut also implies many variations, however, distinguishes its elongated locks on the crown and necessarily milled tips.
Haircut cap and her back view
This beautiful haircut got its name due to the fact that in shape it resembles a hat neatly worn on the head. The peculiarity of this haircut is to create volume at the crown and the presence of volumetric haircuts. The nape can also be made voluminous, gradually removing the length to a minimum to the neck. With such a haircut, the ears must be open. Her styling is not particularly difficult, but you need to remember that this haircut very distinguishes facial features.
Pixie haircut and her back view
Pixie's haircut is also a big favorite of many women. It is mischievous and implies a huge number of all kinds of variations and variations of its performance: with bangs, without bangs, with oblique bangs, with a shaved temple, milled and even graduated. In this regard, there are many fantasies and variations on the theme of styling such a haircut.From the back, it can also look completely different (hair can be a little shorter or vice versa a little longer). In general, a wonderful haircut, implying a complete flight of imagination!