Surely the question arose before every girl at least once in her life was: How is she anyway better, blonde or brunette? In most cases, brunettes are very fond of experimenting and at least once in their life repainted in blondes. Someone is completely satisfied with the result, and the woman remains a blonde for a long time. And someone having tested the role of the blonde beauty is disappointed and again becomes a brunette. Many believe that blondes show more leniency from the opposite sex. Verify this statement on the strength of any woman, and we will talk about this mysterious procedure for lightening hair, called blonding.
What is hair blonding?
Blonding is the procedure for completely discoloring hair pigments. This procedure is carried out using compositions based on hydrogen peroxide, which washes the coloring pigment from the hair shaft. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide varies depending on the structure and type of hair and is selected individually for each.
IMPORTANT! The final color of the hair should be selected in accordance with the color type of appearance. The ash color shades of the blond are suitable for the cold color type, and honey tones are perfect for warm girls.
Varieties of blond hair
There are several basic techniques for hair blonding. They are distinguished depending on the future structure of the blond. After all, for someone, lightening is a transitional staining procedure, and not the final result. So, allocate:
- Scandinavian point. This technique differs in that at the roots the hair remains darker and closer to the tips very light. The transition in color should be smooth, and the selected shades natural.
- Platformis. Surely many have heard the expression "platinum blonde." This type of staining is just designed to be transformed into it. An ideal shade for owners of a cold color type of appearance. We suck it perfectly, if at the same time the girl has pale skin, blue eyes and blond hair. Then the platinum blonde will look really fabulous. However, if you have dark skin and dark hair, it is better to refuse such a shade, it will only emphasize the appearance flaws and visually age you.
- "The strainer." This dyeing technique is so named because it creates certain glare in different places on the hair. This effect is achieved thanks to the powder dye with the addition of liquid toner.
- "Zigzag". This technique is performed using curlers of different diameters. First, the hair is wound on them in a checkerboard pattern, then a clarifying solution of a darker and more light shade is applied. The result is a stunning color transition.
- "Lace". This blonding technique differs from the previous one in that instead of curlers, peculiar shoelaces are used, on which hair is wound and a brightening solution is applied. Using this technique, you can achieve a stunning natural shade on the hair.
Blond hair at home
Of course, it is better to clarify with a professional, trusted master, because only he is able to choose the perfect shade and the blond technique that suits you. However, if you still decide to lighten your hair at home, then follow these basic rules.
- You need to choose a brightening agent in a professional store.
- Follow the clear recommendations and precautions indicated in the instructions. As a rule, the clarifying solution is very difficult to remove from the fabric.
- Do not forget to first test for sensitivity to the components of the solution.
- Watch the time. It depends on him the final result. Overexpose the hair a little, and the effect will be completely different.
- IMPORTANT! Blond hair is best suited for blonding. Brunettes should approach this procedure with caution, as it can damage the hair structure very much.
Remember that blonding is not painting, but LIGHTING. The pigment from your hair is washed out, not repainted, so be careful.