Gemini woman + Lion man: compatibility in love
These relationships are doomed to success. This couple has no reason not to be together, and the universe tells them about it quite clearly. The Lion man needs constant praise, he loves attention to his royal persona and the Twin Woman, without hesitation, gives him what he needs. In return, he becomes for her a reliable rear, a real man, with a stone wall behind which nothing is scary. This couple always shines in society, sometimes envy others. In the company of Gemini, they will tirelessly admire their Leo, and the Leo will bathe in the glory. And only they themselves can destroy this idyll, or rather Gemini. Sometimes Gemini begins to think that there is no need to give all the reins to the hands of Leo, and this is the biggest mistake they can make. If the struggle for supremacy in relations begins, they can irreparably deteriorate. If Leo wins, then the Gemini will try to make amends through the grave of life, which will not bring them happiness, but if the Gemini won the victory, then they will not see any more strong and powerful defender in Leo, there is nothing more miserable than a broken male Leo. This couple will be very happy, but only on condition that the head of the family is Leo and the Gemini will not claim to be his royal throne. If Leo does not feel a rival in her beloved, she will receive much more, he will care for and protect his couple, give gifts, take care of her like the apple of an eye and certainly will not forget to show off his beautiful half.
Friendship Compatibility
They can be good friends, unless they become lovers. Both Leo and Gemini love to shine in society and do it well together. If not one of them tries to outshine the other, an excellent friendly couple will come out of them. They have similar interests, they love attention and both of them easily get it.
The presence of a second half of Leo or Gemini does not interfere with their mutual attraction. If they decide to be together, nothing will stand in their way.
Gemini + Lion: compatibility in love
The female lion will immediately attract the attention of the twin male. Gemini loves strong women, they are not afraid of the independence and independence of Leo, and Leo likes that the Gemini do not try to limit their actions and make them dependent on themselves. In these relations, no one will be deprived of attention, both partners have all the conditions for self-realization and full support for the second half. Leo and Gemini have a lot in common, their hobbies and interests often coincide. Despite the fact that they are often busy, they never forget to pay attention to each other, Gemini often consults Leo on any issues that amuse the Lioness's ego. There is nothing surprising in the fact that Leo is in charge in these respects, although more often than not, the Gemini is not even aware of this. Leo guides his chosen one on the right path, but does this not openly commanding him, but remaining in the shade, slightly pushing him to the right decisions. She sincerely rejoices at the successes of her man, she likes to understand that without her he would not have achieved so much, but she would never tell him about it. Nevertheless, the Lioness needs attention, although it does not require gratitude or recognition for her help, the Gemini should not forget that Leo is a regal person and must be admired. But Leo needs to remember that in spite of all her independence, she is still a woman and does not need to shoulder all the work on herself.The twins should feel like a man in a relationship, for this they need to be made clear that Leo needs him. It doesn’t matter that Leo herself can perfectly tighten the switch, if they ask the Gemini about this, they will feel necessary and useful.
Friendship Compatibility
Their friendships are very strong and even if they flow over time into a relationship, friendship from this couple does not go anywhere. They like to appear together in society, they like to attract attention. They are not bored, they always find activities for themselves, whether it be hobbies, business or entertainment. Their hobbies coincide, they value each other's opinions, consult with each other and fully trust.