Gemini woman + Cancer man: compatibility in love
This couple has a chance for a joint future, although not big. Gemini and Cancer are very different characters and the expression “opposites attract” is not about them. With attraction, they are doing just the wrong thing. Crayfish are very indecisive partners, they need a lot of time to trust someone, since Gemini is patient enough to wait how long it takes. You can’t put pressure on Cancer in a relationship, otherwise he will decide that they are being imposed against him and will be quickly freed from such a burden. In order for the couple to have a chance of success, they need to acquire common interests, business, that could tie them together. Cancer usually deals with household issues in a couple, it is much whiter than the Gemini business, while the Gemini take on social contacts that are difficult for Cancer. It would seem that everything is perfect, but even here there are pitfalls. Crayfish are very jealous of Gemini, they do not understand the desire of their half to pay attention to other people besides him. Cancers themselves are quite closed and distrustful, they just need to communicate with Gemini in order to feel comfortable. However, Gemini is sociable in nature, they love big companies, walks and hate a closed lifestyle, for them, the desire of Cancer to limit the circle of communication of his chosen one is equal to the sentence. The way out of this situation is if the Gemini take on communication with people instead of Cancer, then he will not have to step over himself, and the Gemini will get more freedom. Also, the Gemini’s inability to save can become a problem, this will get on the nerves of lean Cancer. To soften his man Gemini should shop for Cancer, it will melt his heart.
Friendship Compatibility
But the friendly compatibility of Cancer and Gemini at zero. They not only do not have common interests, moreover, they despise each other's lifestyle. Gemini Cancer seems boring and infantile, and Gemini for Cancer is just the same missing woman. They have nothing in common and it is better for them to stay away from each other, since it is unlikely that any of them will begin to hide their hostility, even for the sake of decency.
Gemini man + Cancer woman: compatibility in love
It is very difficult for them to understand a friend, they live in different worlds and speak different languages. But hard does not mean impossible. There are two types of Cancer and Gemini pairs: one holds strong love together, and the other cold calculation. And those and those may well create their own unit of society, the only question is what it will be. In pairs where love reigns, there will be misunderstanding, because they are based on emotions, they just need to be near, they want to be happy. Crayfish seems to the Gemini whimsical, they do not understand the message that Cancer is trying to convey to them. Cancer, in turn, takes offense at Gemini for the fact that they pay a lot of attention to strangers and things, and not to her. Gemini is more sociable than Cancers, especially if they took place in life, then they form an active social environment in which they certainly must move. It's hard for Cancers to understand, because she sets the goal of her life to take care of Gemini, their common home, family. Unfortunately, Cancer does not know how to convey her emotions calmly and judiciously; instead, the Twins receive another fit of hysteria, which they do not even try to figure out. Cancer should learn to control his emotions, instead of controlling Gemini.
Friendship Compatibility
It is possible that this couple will become friends. Cancer will easily provide the Gemini with emotional support, if they need it, and the Gemini will never refuse everyday life. Actually, their friendship becomes stronger in times of trouble, when one partner supports the other. “A friend is in trouble” is about them.