Gemini woman + Gemini man: compatibility in love
In a pair of two Gemini there is more friendship than love and passion. But this is precisely what their relationship is based on. They are multifaceted and inquisitive individuals who in any situation maintain rational thinking. The twin man will be attracted to the woman of his sign by her many-sided nature. The twin woman is able to constantly surprise her partner, because in her, like in him, there are two personalities, it is impossible to predict and this attracts the twin man like a magnet. This couple leads an active social life, they do not close in their own world and rarely show their feelings in public, they are interesting interlocutors. The twins are constantly interested in something new and sometimes look like walking encyclopedias, but their ability to show their erudition at the right time and in the right place allows them not to seem know-it-all. The only scourge of this couple is boredom. Sometimes there come times when one of the couple has to change their lifestyle, then the second partner can get bored and do stupid things. Best of all, if in addition to work, each Gemini will have his own hobby, so they will secure their pair from everyday monotony. The twins love to communicate and enjoy discussing the past day with their soul mate, they consult with each other in all important matters, respecting the opinion of their partner. Such mutual trust and respect allows both partners to develop in their own direction and always count on the support of their other half. Very often, the Twins create a joint business, which further brings the couple closer. Also, the rapprochement of the couple will be facilitated by a clear distribution of roles and responsibilities, so they can better understand each other.
The second half of the Gemini, if any, they have, you can not worry about treason. Despite their full understanding and excellent compatibility, they will not change their chosen ones with each other.
Friendship Compatibility
They are good friends, friendship is the basis of their relationship, and therefore, if they did not initially go any further, they will no longer strive for this, being afraid to spoil the friendship. The Twin Woman is easy with the Twin Twins, he does not force her to pretend, with him you can remain yourself and not be condemned for lack of femininity. In return, she often gives her friend advice in heart matters. Twins like to communicate with each other, long dialogs are their space, often only they can understand each other.
Work compatibility
As for the Gemini working interoperability, like any partners of the same sign, they cope well with common tasks, easily find a common language, but encountering difficulties, they cope with them hard. The bosses should not forget that they have not only common strengths, but also common weaknesses, it is better to use them in those areas where they are both strong, usually these are areas related to communications.