Weaving "French Falls": varieties, step-by-step instructions (49 photos)

Surely every girl at least once thought about creating a beautiful, but at the same time simple hairstyle for every day. Hairstyle French waterfall will be an excellent solution to this problem. It is ideal for both a daily trip to work and for a romantic evening walk. French waterfall is a very spectacular hairstyle, but the technique is simple enough and you can easily master it yourself. In this article, we will talk about the varieties of hairstyles of a French waterfall, learn how to step by step perform the basic basis of hairstyles, and also see its various options.

Step-by-step instruction of hairstyle "French Falls"

Before you start creating this amazing hairstyle, you need to prepare the necessary tools. So we need:

  • massage comb;
  • thin comb to separate the strands;
  • small transparent rubber bands, invisible.

Now you can start the hairstyle itself.

  1. To begin with, comb your hair well so that it lies evenly and does not get tangled. If you have curly hair, then you need to grease them at the roots with wax in order to make it easier to work with.
  2. Next, we separate the first strand from the face. If you want a thick braid - the strand should be thicker, but on the contrary - thinner.
  3. After that, we begin to weave the most ordinary pigtail to a length of about 5-6 centimeters, while moving towards the center of the head.
  4. Now leave the top lock, which was supposed to be introduced into the hairstyle, untouched, hanging down. Instead, we introduce a new strand into the braid and weave it.
  5. The next step is to release the upper strand again and introduce a new one instead.
  6. In the same way we finish all weaving.
  7. The end of our pigtails is fixed with an invisible rubber band.
  8. Instead of rubber bands, you can braid a pigtail with an ordinary spikelet and fix it on the side.
  9. In the end, you can use hair spray, so that the hairstyle is better kept and retained appearance.

The French waterfall looks very advantageous on curly hairs. On them, he really resembles a waterfall. If you have straight hair, then to create a more romantic and sensual image, hair can be slightly curled.

Varieties of hairstyles "French Falls"

If you have mastered the basic technique of this hairstyle, then you can easily proceed with its more complex varieties. Each of them has its own specific zest, which will look great in any look. So distinguish:

  • Double French waterfall;
  • French waterfall with ribbon or bun;
  • French waterfall with twisting.

Double French Waterfall

This hairstyle weaves very easily, and looks more than luxurious. So, in order to create a double French waterfall, first braid the braid in one direction, using the technique described above. Next, we braid the same braid below, using strands released from the first braid. We must try to weave braids symmetrically so that they look equally beautiful. The ends of both braids should be fixed with an elastic band or invisible.


French waterfall with ribbon or bun

The tape will help to complement, create a festive and stylish image. To create a French waterfall with a ribbon, simply at the beginning of braiding, attach it to the middle strand and weave to the very end. Hide the beginning of the tape deep in the hair. The end can be trimmed or released along with the hair.

For those who do not like loose hair there is a variant of the French waterfall, which can be perfectly complemented with a bun. First, we braid an ordinary braid on a French waterfall, and in the end, we simply collect all the hair in a light bundle and fix it with an elastic band. The bunch can be decorated with a flower, make sure that it does not overload the image.

French waterfall with twisting

To create this kind of waterfall, instead of the usual braid, we use a braid from flagella. And each time we twist two locks, one of which we release down, by analogy with the main weaving technique.

More options hairstyles French Falls




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