Sign compatibility Scorpio + Aquarius in love and friendship

Scorpio woman + Aquarius man: compatibility in love

Such couples are not too common, because the Scorpio woman does not belong to the type of women that attract the attention of the Aquarius man, unless they themselves set a goal to achieve it. Achieving Aquarius, Scorpio should focus on his originality, to show his mind and thoughtfulness. Seeing that Scorpio does not have such a view on many things than most women do, Aquarius will be interested in a mysterious stranger. To bring Aquarius to a serious relationship is gradually, without putting pressure on him. Both Scorpio and Aquarius are very reasonable people, they will not marry being unsure of their decision, because those couples who have reached this stage rarely diverge. The formed pair of Scorpio and Aquarius is not liked by everyone. Many friends are not satisfied with such an alliance, because they cease to be in the first place for them. Scorpio fully devotes himself to Aquarius, taking care of him and their family life, she is confident in her man and fully supports him. Aquarius, on the contrary, can deprive Scorpio of attention and thereby offend her, without distinguishing her from the background of his friends. A scorpion should make it clear to his chosen one, that if he does not isolate her, then she will not do the same for him, he will understand this if you give a vivid example. The problem of such a married couple may be the unwillingness of both partners to make concessions, it is not a matter of principle or love of each other, they just were born that way. To avoid quarrels on this basis, it is necessary to distribute the spheres of influence between the spouses and determine who and in what matter will make the final decision.

  • Friendship Compatibility

Friendly couples of Scorpio and Aquarius are much more common than family. The fact is that they both give great importance to friendship in their lives. They will not endanger it for the sake of communication, especially since there is no attraction between them either. Scorpio likes the friendly Aquarius, they can easily communicate, they easily find topics for lengthy conversations and discussions.

Scorpio man + Aquarius woman: compatibility in love

They may not seem like a good couple to others, but in fact, they work hard and long for their relationship and are quite happy with it. They are both successful, confident and purposeful individuals. Aquarius attracts Scorpio with its femininity, insight, tenderness and kindness. It is so pure that even the cocky Scorpio will not find reasons for mockery or tricks in her direction, and if he comes up with something, it will immediately be translated into a joke, humor is another merit of Aquarius. Despite all its indisputable advantages, even a female Aquarius will not be able to re-educate Scorpio, he will still remain the owner, who will certainly try to limit the freedom of Aquarius. Aquarius, like a beautiful bird, cannot sing in captivity and even if the cage built by Scorpio is golden, it will find how to escape from it. It is useless to try to explain to Scorpio that there is no reason for jealousy, jealousy is in his blood and he simply cannot get rid of it, as if he did not want to. Aquarius will have to constantly assert his right to freedom, hold talks with Scorpio and remind him that he must respect her as a person, and therefore her right to freedom of movement.


  • Friendship Compatibility

It is difficult to call them best friends, but still they are more than good friends.Scorpio is not inclined to let someone into his soul and Aquarius is no exception, but he will gladly help with advice and even deed to his girlfriend. Aquarius can be friends with anyone and easily reveals to Scorpio, she appreciates his intelligence and prudence, which often come to her rescue.

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