Graduated haircut: varieties, flow chart, step by step instructions (49 photos + video)

A graded haircut is one of the most multivariate haircuts. It implies the presence of a huge number of all kinds of performances. That is such a haircut technique and is good that any master can choose for himself exactly the style that suits him. After all, the graduation technique is now present in almost all known haircuts. It can favorably emphasize the texture of the hair and give them additional volume. But first things first. Before moving on to the technique of performing a graduated haircut, let's first figure out what it really is.

What is a graduated haircut or graduation?

The name of this hairdresser's haircut method comes from the word "degree". And this is no coincidence. Graduation technique just consists in cutting hair under a certain degree of tilt of the scissors. It is from this degree that the future style of haircuts and the texture of the hair depend. Do not confuse graduation with haircuts such as cascade and ladder. The similarity between them is of course very great, but the main feature of graduation is very smooth transitions of length. If in the cascade and ladder such transitions can be seen without difficulty, since these haircuts are performed stepwise, then when graduating, the width of the steps is only 1-2 mm, and it is almost impossible to make out. The key to a high-quality graduated haircut is the professionalism and skill of the hairdresser performing the haircut, as graduation is a very painstaking process.

Varieties of Graduated Haircuts

There are only two types of graduation:

  1. internal
  2. external

The internal graduation differs in that the strands located inside will be shorter than the external ones. External graduation implies the opposite effect: external locks are shorter than internal ones. Graduation starts exactly the same, but at a certain length, the differences that we described above begin. Such a variety of techniques allows you to experiment with the image and even turn the most boring haircuts into something interesting and new. When calibrating, there is no clear indication of the length. It can be done absolutely on any hair length. However!

IMPORTANT! Please note that graduation is good for thick hair. It makes them easier and more manageable, both visually and actually. With very thin hair, this technique can play a trick. She will make them even less voluminous and thinner. If you have too thin hairs, then it is better to refuse a graduated haircut in favor of a cascade.

Graduated haircut execution scheme step by step

  1. Separate well-combed hair with partings: the first is the central parting, the second is sagittal. Next, we divide the hair from ear to ear along the occipital area, thereby dividing it into two parts.
  2. Haircuts start from the lowest part of the occipital area. We trim a small strand from it about 1 centimeter thick, pull it perpendicular to the neck, comb it horizontally and cut it at a 45-degree angle to the neck for maximum volume.
  3. IMPORTANT! The selected angle must be maintained throughout the haircut!

  4. Then, using vertical partitions, shear first one side of the lower zone, then the other, observing rules 1 and 2.
  5. We pass to the upper occipital area.Using a radial parting, also shearing with all necessary conditions (pulling perpendicularly, angle 45 degrees to the neck)
  6. We pass to the temporal and frontal zones. First, divide the right temporal zone into two parts with a horizontal parting. We start with the strand connecting the temporal and occipital zones. swift, observing the selected conditions, gradually moving towards the face.
  7. Smoothly go to the frontal zone and similarly cut the left side.
  8. Getting to the edging. The border should be made from the center of the frontal zone. The hair is combed from the center to the right and left side. At the temples, hair is laid according to a previously planned styling. We make edging around the neck according to hair growth. In a circle, seamlessly connect all the zones.

A graded haircut is characterized by a horizontal volume located approximately in the middle of the haircut.

Examples of different graded haircuts

Well, a small video tutorial on the topic


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