Scorpio woman + Sagittarius man: compatibility in love
Their love relationship is developing rapidly and rapidly, a woman-Scorpio attracts Sagittarius with its mystery and unpredictability. But the level of her mystery is better for her to control, since Sagittarius is not as well versed in people as she is. Sagittarius himself is a cheerful and positive person, for this Scorpio fell in love with him, but it could annoy her in the future. The fact is that Scorpio is a pessimist in life, she knows how to find negative moments in everything and simply does not understand how her chosen one manages to remain cheerful, if everything is so bad around. Scorpio shouldn’t accumulate these emotions in himself, they definitely need to give a way out, maybe you should think about yoga classes or psychological trainings, the main thing is not to accumulate a negative in yourself, otherwise sooner or later he will find a way out, which will become an absolute surprise for the unsuspecting Sagittarius. However, Sagittarius has its own way of dealing with Scorpio’s negativity and it is very simple, Sagittarius is the only sign that can translate all Scorpio’s claims into humor. However, there is another scourge for this couple and this is jealousy. Scorpio is very jealous and it would not be bad if Sagittarius did not give her reasons for jealousy. Sagittarius is very frivolous and can not only flirt, but also start novels on the side, he himself does not attach much importance to this, but if Scorpion finds out about this, and even with a stock of negative accumulated in advance, the pair will end. In general, in this pair, Scorpio will constantly have to monitor the environment of his Sagittarius, so that he does not start an affair.
Friendship Compatibility
Their friendships are usually limited to superficial communication. They are more likely good friends than friends, because there is very little in common between them. However, Scorpio likes the positive attitude of Sagittarius, which she herself lacks, he amuses her, and Sagittarius, meanwhile, does not lose hope for a romantic relationship.
Scorpio man + Sagittarius woman: compatibility in love
The main feature of their relationship is that they are completely unpredictable. Sagittarius has everything you need to make Scorpio constantly unravel it. She is a multifaceted personality, active, cheerful, her life is full of emotions and adventures, Scorpio will never get bored with such a woman. But they also have difficulties. Scorpio is very jealous and sometimes offends Sagittarius, who does not intend to betray her chosen one. The Scorpio man is constantly trying to control Strelchikha, but she simply can’t take this order, she needs freedom. Sagittarius loves communication, noisy companies, her life is movement, and Scorpio wants to limit it to four walls. The only way out of the situation that will suit both is to learn to trust each other. Mutual trust will save this couple, Sagittarius will be able to lead an active social life and in return will not draw Scorpio into this life, both will be satisfied and happy.
Friendship Compatibility
It’s better not to even try to bring these people together, it won’t end in anything good. The maximum that you can count on is that they will not swear among themselves. Scorpio considers Strelchiha tactless because of her directness, and the cheerful Sagittarius does not like the secrecy and suspicion of Scorpio. In the best case, they can be just acquaintances and not get into the affairs of a friend.