Scorpio woman + Lion male: compatibility in love
The Scorpio woman and the Lion man are an exemplary couple. Each of them met a partner of their dreams. A lion is sure to be attracted to a beautiful, independent and sensitive Scorpio woman. Due to its ability to understand human nature, Scorpio easily guesses Leo and presses the necessary buttons.
Leo is a real man, proud, successful, caring and loving, he needs a woman who can appreciate all his virtues and Scorpio is just that. She will not forget to boast in the company the successes of her chosen one, and she will remain in the shadow of his glory. But this does not bother her at all, she will gladly let her Leo shine, because she knows that it is very important for him. The lion, in turn, will be grateful for the support and glad that he has such a wife. In this pair, responsibilities are distributed in advance in order to avoid possible conflicts, Leo gets the social and business sphere, while Scorpio is responsible for the spiritual and everyday spheres. It’s bad if responsibilities are distributed the other way around, sometimes not very ambitious personalities are found among Lviv, in which case Scorpio will have the right to make a career. Then she should think about whether such a relationship is needed at all and whether it will suit her.
Scorpio and Leo need to avoid disputes, they are both very stubborn and no one will be the first to reconcile, because one argument can drag on for a long time and even when it seems that the topic has been exhausted for a long time, both partners will not miss the opportunity to recall the old. The good thing is that disputes in this pair are rare and the older and more experienced they become, the better they learn to avoid them.
Friendship Compatibility
A woman-Scorpio will concede superiority to Leo only if he is her chosen one, but she will not concede anything to her friend-Leo. They are both very noticeable in the company, at work, in society, they strive for superiority in everything and therefore there will likely be rivalry than friendship between them. No one will trust their rival even in small things, and without trust and friendship they will not be.
Scorpio male + female lion: compatibility in love
A strong and beautiful couple, they have a happy future ahead and great prospects. The Lion Woman will immediately attract Scorpio by the strength of her character, adventurism, independence and, of course, beauty. Scorpio does not like weak and insecure women, he wants to not only love, but also respect his chosen one, and Lioness is perfect for this. She needs a man, behind whom she will be, like behind a stone wall in which she can be sure and who will listen to her, she finds such a partner in Scorpio. In society, this couple will shine, they cause admiration among others and for good reason. However, both should remember that their characters are not easy. Both Leo and Scorpio are very stubborn and do not make concessions, because they need to immediately distribute the spheres of influence and adhere to this distribution no matter what happens. Otherwise, the couple has no problems, they understand each other well, both know how to find an approach to their partner. Neither Leo nor Scorpio will begin to put pressure on his chosen one and demand something, both know that this will not end in anything good, they respect each other’s freedom and rights, and therefore they are not only lovers, but also partners in life.
Friendship Compatibility
Unlike their prototypes, they make up a good friendly tandem. They well understand each other’s ambitions, support the partner at the right time.Such friendships can last a very long time and even develop into a romance or a slight affair, depending on the circumstances. They respect each other's strength and resilience, it is important for both of them to have a person who understands and supports their life aspirations, because both of them value this friendship.