Fashionable women's haircuts for short hair: basic rules, options for execution (212 photos + video)

Short haircuts are gaining popularity more and more and every year more and more strengthen their positions. Many women are simply crazy about short haircuts, since they believe that their styling takes just a couple of minutes, compared to styling for long curls. However, there are also women who claim that short haircuts are absolutely un feminine, but, on the contrary, give an unnecessarily severe masculine style, and are completely unacceptable to a lady. But in any case, there is not a single girl who at least once in her life, tormented to style her long naughty hair, did not think about making a short haircut. And in vain, many believe that for short haircuts you can not make a beautiful hairstyle or styling. Of course, their diversity decreases slightly with decreasing length, but you can make sure that for short hair there are a lot of beautiful hairstyles and styling. And in this article we will talk about the main haircuts for short hair and consider the fashion trends of this season for a given length.

But first, the basic rules when choosing a haircut for short hair.

Basic rules for selecting a haircut for short hair

  1. The most important principle when choosing absolutely any haircut is the shape of the face. Owners of an oval face can experiment with any shape, length and type of haircuts. Absolutely any will suit them. If the lady has a round face, then she should look at the haircuts, which visually make the face more oval. It can be Caprice, Gavrosh, Garzon, Bob - extension lenght, asymmetrical pixie haircut. Avoid haircuts that can shorten and expand your face. These include Sesson and the classic Page. As for the bangs, here you can also play a little with asymmetric and oblique options. For ladies whose face is close to square, an ideal option would be haircuts that soften the corners of the lower jaw. Such strips include Bob, Garzon, Pixie with the volume at the crown, etc. You should beware of haircuts that create volume in the cheeks, they will make your face even more massive. For a triangular type of face from short haircuts, you need to choose those that add volume to the cheekbones. It is advisable to add a slanting bang, laid on one side. Beware worth straight straight bangs and parting. For more information on choosing a haircut according to the shape of the face, see this article.
  2. The second highlight when choosing a short haircut is the structure and type of hair. Owners of thin hair need to give preference to even the shortest haircuts, such as Pixie. It is she who is able to create the much-needed volume on thin hair. haircuts like Gavrosh, Cascade and Garcon will also look good. For thick hair, you can create absolutely any haircut. Owners of curly hair can also consider any options for short haircuts, of course, except for those that assume a smooth structure (Sasson and Page).
  3. The third aspect when choosing a haircut is the growth and complexion of the lady. Here one general rule dominates, the more massive and taller the woman, the more voluminous the head should seem. That is why tall young ladies are extremely not recommended to do unnecessarily short haircuts, since the image at the same time looks extremely awkward.

Classic haircuts for short hair

The main haircuts for short hair include the following:

  • Caprice
  • Sesson
  • Page
  • Garzon
  • Gavrosh
  • Asymmetric haircuts
  • Hat
  • Pixy
  • Bean
  • Square

Each of these haircuts is unique in its own way and from all the variety you can definitely choose the one that suits you. You can complement the image with bangs. This season, it is better to give preference to torn bangs, but in any case, you must first consider the concept of the haircut itself.

Haircut Caprice for short hair

Caprice haircut is one of the varieties of cascading haircuts for short hair. It has a multilayer texture and torn edges sticking out in different directions. This haircut is ideal for thin hair, as it creates the desired volume of hair. In addition, such a haircut is often also called “Fantasy,” since often when creating it, masters fantasize and experiment with different lengths and overall hair texture. This haircut is best complemented by a bang with torn or milled tips.

Haircut Sesson for short hair

This haircut is often called a haircut with the style of Mireille Mathieu. If you remember this famous singer, you will immediately understand what is at stake. Sesson's haircut is distinguished by a thick arched bangs and an even cut of hair along the entire length with an extension to the back of the head. Such a haircut is ideal for owners of thick and even hair. As for the shape of the face, it will look great on an elongated face. Modern interpretations of this haircut suggest the presence of an asymmetric or ragged bangs.

IMPORTANT! If you have a round or square face or large features, you should refuse such a haircut.

Haircut Page for short hair

Another interesting haircut option for short hair. The page haircut is distinguished by an even cut with the tips slightly twisted inward and the length from the earlobes to the chin. A haircut looks great on straight thick hair and with an oval or rectangular shape of the face. Modern interpretations also suggest the presence of asymmetry in the bangs, although the classic Page implies an even thick bang.

IMPORTANT! When choosing this haircut, remember that even bangs are always an emphasis on your eyes and nose, so if you have a large or long nose, it is better to abandon the Page.

Garson haircut for short hair

This haircut is often called boyish. And its name speaks for itself. Such a haircut implies the presence of milled tips, and its length can be either ultra-short or moderately short. Garson's haircut involves a huge variation of all sorts of hairstyles: from perfectly smooth, to eccentric, boyish.

IMPORTANT! When choosing such a haircut, remember that it very attracts attention to the face, so take care to create beautiful makeup.

Gavrosh haircut for short hair

The name of this haircut comes from the name of the hero of the Hugo novel. Such a haircut is characterized by a certain mess on the head, so it is perfect for owners of thick unruly hair, both straight and curly. To create volume for thin hair with such a haircut, you need to choose the right color. A distinctive feature of Gavrosh haircuts are sharp strands at the temples and bangs. Length may increase towards the back of the head. A bang should be asymmetric, laid on its side.

Asymmetric haircuts for short hair

Asymmetry when creating a haircut on short hair involves either creating an asymmetrical bang, or the hairstyle itself is longer on one side and shorter on the other. Short haircuts with shaved temples are considered asymmetric.Although often they are still referred to as creative and modern haircuts. In shaved areas, many girls create intact drawings. In any case, such haircuts are suitable for bright and eccentric persons who love reincarnations and are not afraid of experiments.

Haircut Short hair cap

The name of this haircut speaks for itself. The shape of such a strick resembles a hat worn on the head. Distinctive features of the Beanie haircut are voluminous crown and nape, as well as no less voluminous bangs. Ears with such a haircut should be fully open, or slightly covered in small locks. This haircut looks great on any type of hair, but with caution it should be done to the owners of very thin curls, as it may be difficult to style.

Pixie haircut for short hair

This haircut is one of the shortest female haircuts. It is distinguished by short trimmed lateral and occipital strands and elongation at the crown. She became especially popular after the movie "Roman Vacations", in which the inimitable Audrey Hepburn played. Although now this haircut also does not leave the hearts of many ladies. The uniqueness of this haircut lies in the variety of its performance. It can be either ultra-short or elongated at the crown, with or without bangs. As for the bangs themselves, there is also a complete flight of imagination, from a straight straight line, to oblique and milled.

Short Hair Bob

This stunning haircut also won the hearts of many women for quite some time. Some confuse Bob with Kare. Of course, they are somewhat similar, but the main difference between Bob's haircut is that it has an indirect cut, unlike a square. Bob’s strands on his face are always longer than on the back of his head, and they extend in a smooth line, without sudden jumps. Such a haircut is suitable for almost any face shape and hair structure. Due to the variety of its styling, you can create volume at the roots, or add it in the temporal zone.

Short hair haircut

Perhaps the most popular haircut for short hair (of course, along with Pixie) is Kare. It appeared around the middle of the twentieth century and since then has not lost its relevance. Every year, stylists delight us and come up with more and more elegant and vivid interpretations of this haircut. The classic square is distinguished by a length just below the ear and a completely straight even cut, as well as a straight bang. Currently, many are moving away from classical standards and we see a square with asymmetrical torn bangs, bangs laid on its side and other various variations.

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