Ideal haircuts for thick hair (50 photos)

What woman does not dream of luxurious thick hair. Thick hair has always been and will be the subject of pride of its owner and the object of envy from others. However, many do not suspect that thick hair needs special care. Not only that, cosmetics (masks, shampoos, balms) are required for them almost twice as much, but also to create a beautiful styling with long thick hair becomes problematic. That is why many stylists with very thick hair recommend making short haircuts to relieve heaviness from the head. And for those who do not want to part with their wealth, the ideal length will be average. But first things first.

Haircuts for long thick hair

In fact, not everyone decides to leave the full length of hair with an excessively thick hair. And if there is such a girl - she can be considered very bold. It is difficult for owners of thin and thin hair to understand what kind of weight to wear on their heads. However, even for long thick hair, you can do some things that make life easier for their owners. One of those things is bangs!

IMPORTANT! If you do not want to part with your long thick locks, you can lighten the weight of your hair with the help of a bang.

Bangs on thick hair look simply incomparable. However, it is worth remembering that it is not suitable for any face shape. Therefore, the structural features of your face should be considered if you want to cut off the bangs.

In addition to bangs, you can make a cascading haircut. She is also ideally suited to owners of thick hair, as in the skillful hands of a professional she is able to completely balance the volume of your thick locks.

Medium Thick Haircuts

The average length is ideal for owners of thick hair who do not want to completely get rid of the length, but at the same time refuse to carry their entire weight. With an average length, it is important to create lightness for the hair. That is why one of the universal haircuts with such a length and simultaneous density is a square or bean with elongated tips on the face. If you are doing a square, then round off the tips a little. Such a move simply perfectly focuses attention on your eyes. Do not forget about bangs. It will also lighten the weight of the hair a little and give your look a completely new accent. In addition, for thick hair of medium length, you can consider such haircuts as: a hat, or ragged haircuts. However, they belong to more creative haircuts and are suitable for girls who like to experiment with their appearance. In a recent article, we already looked at creative haircuts. Brave girls will be able to find suitable options for themselves. And for more conservative women, see examples of haircuts for thick hair of medium length below.

Haircuts for short thick hair

Remember that short haircuts are not suitable for every girl. Therefore, when choosing it, it is important to take into account the shape and structural features of the face. Not every girl will dare to do a short haircut, but don’t think that they look boyish. Yes, they definitely have something naughty, but with the right selection, they will only distinguish you from other women. The shortest haircuts for thick hair include Pixie. It is ideal for owners of a thin elegant neck, as it completely exposes it. To create an even more romantic and playful image, you can make a slanting or torn bang. She also looks great with thick hair and a pixie haircut.


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