Taurus woman + Sagittarius man: compatibility in love
These signs have few chances to become a beautiful couple, although they certainly are. If in the case of Scorpio, differences in temperaments and characters play into the hands of partners and complement each other, then in the case of Sagittarius, everything is much more complicated. This couple will not have any difficulties at the initial stage of the relationship, but the closer they get to know each other, the further they will get. What seemed to Taurus to be courage is actually an ill-conceived riskiness that will be difficult for a practical Taurus not only to evaluate, but even to accept. For a Taurus woman stability is important in everything: in love, in money, at work, but this is completely useless for a scorpion, he likes to constantly change his areas of activity, make new friends, take risks and categorically does not want to formally formalize relations. To marry Sagittarius, even a stubborn Taurus woman will have to try hard and often at this stage the relationship breaks up. However, even if Taurus manages to ring Sagittarius, one cannot say that this is a guarantee of happiness. Further, she will have to face such problems as rash financial expenses, which are characteristic of Sagittarius, because he, as a true adventurer, does not really care about tomorrow. Also, a jealous woman will face countless Sagittarius friends and girlfriends, who are an integral part of her chosen one’s life and after marriage they will not become smaller. And of course, the arrogance of Sagittarius will also add fuel to the fire, the fact is that he is completely confident that he is right in any matters, and any attempts by a sensible Taurus to give practical advice will be met with hostility by the Sagittarius and taken as an insult to his dignity. To protect such relations from decay, Taurus must try and if she does not see in them at least some benefit for herself, then they will not have a future. If Taurus found an incentive to continue the relationship, then she needs to accept her Sagittarius with all its advantages and disadvantages listed above, because even she will not succeed in changing it.
Friendship Compatibility
Despite the fact that they have many differences, they affect only the love sphere of their relationship, but not at all on friendship. Sagittarius is very principled in matters of friendship and will never translate friendship into a romantic channel. The Taurus woman is a loyal and caring friend, she will not seek benefits in their friendship and will always support her at a difficult moment, as well as Sagittarius himself.
Taurus man + Sagittarius woman: compatibility in love
Such couples are not common. They have a different circle of communication, different views on life and even on relationships, so it will not be easy for them to converge. However, there is a certain attraction between them, in particular at the initial stage of relations. The Sagittarius woman is beautiful and well-groomed, she attracts the attention of others, and this also applies to Taurus. However, in addition to the charm of Sagittarius, there are many other sides, it is risky, changeable, cheerful, which can not be said about Taurus. The Taurus man does not like change, he always follows proven paths and never takes risks, he is also very frugal and prefers to save, setting aside for a rainy day, than spending money on expensive purchases.Sagittarius loves to lead a luxurious life, she will not count every penny and often she doesn’t need it, Sagittarius is lucky with money, they go to her hands, which the conservative Taurus also does not like, because he believes that money needs to be earned later and blood. However, Taurus will soften in this regard when he realizes that the luck of Sagittarius is partially transmitted to him. This pair will adapt to each other for a long time, but in the end, they will understand that both are not a bad complement to the partner. Taurus will help Sagittarius learn responsibility, Sagittarius will decorate their life with beautiful objects that Taurus would be sorry for money for. As a result, even Taurus will understand that money does not just go nowhere, but goes to improve their living conditions, and will not be against such expenses. In many matters, they certainly just have to come to terms with the characteristics of their partner and accept each other as they are.
Friendship Compatibility
Such friendship is either based on the benefit of one of the partners, or leads to a romantic relationship. In any case, there is no need to talk about long friendships. They have different temperaments and different lifestyles, because they will rather annoy each other than make friends. Although friendly relations between them are quite possible if no one will impose his ideals on another.