Sign compatibility Taurus + Scorpio in love and friendship

Taurus woman + Scorpio man: compatibility in love

In most cases, this couple will have a happy future. In appearance, this couple is very balanced and calm people, but this does not mean at all that they lack passion, they just protect the manifestations of feelings for each other and do not show them in public. A beautiful, elegant and balanced Taurus woman will immediately attract the attention of a proud and hot-tempered Scorpio man. Scorpios are not simple in nature and Taurus is one of the few signs that can not only withstand it, but also get along with it. This family often has a well-established life, where a woman takes care of its aesthetic part (with the taste inherent in Taurus, this does not constitute difficulties for her), and the man provides the financial side. However, do not forget that in spite of pretended calm, emotions are boiling in both signs and both of them are a magnet for the opposite sex. Of course, this fact cannot go unnoticed, both partners will constantly be jealous and in the global sense, nothing can be done about it. To some extent, this will give a boost to their relationship, but the main thing is not to overdo it. A Taurus woman should constantly remind her beloved that he is the only object of her attention, public praise (as if by chance) is perfect for this, this will increase Scorpio's self-esteem and slightly reduce the level of jealousy.

  • Friendship Compatibility

Scorpio hard converges with people in friendly relations. He is not a very attractive person and few are able to find a common language with him. However, Taurus is just the same, belongs to that very minority, which is capable of friendship with Scorpio. The excessive straightforwardness of Scorpio, which becomes a problem in his communication with people, in friendship with Taurus is more likely expressed as a virtue. Taurus appreciates in Scorpio that he always tells the truth, can provide support and give advice in a difficult situation, in response Taurus will be a true and faithful friend to him for many years to come.

Taurus man + Scorpio woman: compatibility in love

These signs have much in common, but no less differences, some of them add a twist to their relationship, while others on the contrary spoil them. A Scorpio woman in such a relationship needs to be very wise, and sometimes cunning. The fact is that Taurus is very stubborn in nature and does not like change. Scorpio will encounter the first difficulties when he decides that it is time to legitimize their relationship and will understand that Taurus is in no hurry to take this step. The point here is not at all that Taurus does not like her partner, just everything suits him and so he sees no reason to change something. Here Scorpio will have to manage to convince Taurus that marriage is an integral part of life, but in no case to impose himself on the bride, he himself will come to this conclusion, you can not worry. If the marriage was nevertheless successfully concluded, we can assume that most of the work is done. Both characters do not like to change anything and are not prone to cheating, so divorces in such pairs are very rare. However, there is another problem in the family idyll of this couple - jealousy. Taurus is completely unable to control himself in a fit of jealousy, but Scorpio is more balanced and sometimes uses this as a way to add passion to relationships. Unfortunately, Scorpio is often inclined to overdo it in attempts to provoke jealousy, while it is better on the contrary to try to subdue this feeling in her partner, otherwise she risks causing anger and distrust of Taurus.If Scorpio is more circumspect, then the couple is not in danger, they are both quite successful and even bring good luck to each other. Their life is adjusted, they both prefer a family dinner, than gatherings in the company, but good friends are highly appreciated. They rationally manage money and they have no problems on this basis.

  • Friendship Compatibility

They have very similar temperaments, which serves as an excellent foundation for a long and faithful friendship. Both of them are constant, calm, do not like rush and unnecessary fuss, because each other’s society gives them both pleasure. The Scorpio woman brings an emotional note to friendship, and the Taurus man brings stability, thereby complementing each other.

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