For women, everything is simple: “Straight hair should be curled, curly hair should be straightened, short hair should be built up, and long hair should be cut off.” No matter how ridiculous it sounds, the fact remains. And sometimes, many women envy Chen the owners of thick curls and dream of the same head of hair. However, for the most part these ladies do not even imagine how hard it is to care for wavy hair. Not only are they constantly confused, but also with the selection of haircuts and styling, many problems and questions arise.
To begin with, let's see that curly and wavy hair is not the same thing. Wavy hairs have a softer, smoother texture. It is wavy hair that is the most fluffy. From this, there are also many problems with the selection of the optimal haircut and styling. After all, if you do too short a haircut, then the hair will stick out and the image will look messy, and with long hair there are many problems with styling. That is why for wavy hair it is advised to choose an average length. Although again, it all depends on the nature and lifestyle of the owner of the wavy locks.
However, there are several basic rules for cutting wavy hair, which must be observed in any case:
- You can not do thinning along the entire length, as this will cause the wavy hair to fluff even more.
- You can’t cut the top coat too short unless you want to be like a poodle.
- It is not recommended to do too short a haircut if your hair is very fluffy. It will look messy.
- When choosing a haircut, you must also take into account the shape and features of the face.
Next, we consider the main options for haircuts for wavy hair.
Cascading Wavy Hair
Cascading haircut is perhaps the best option for wavy hair. The main feature of the cascading haircut is that the locks in it lie evenly and neatly, and the harmonious transition from short curls to longer ones looks very nice and stylish on wavy hair. In addition, a cascading haircut is suitable for almost any face shape, and depending on its length, it can play with completely different colors.
Graduated wavy hair cut
Graduation is a section of hair at a certain angle. A graduated haircut is often also called a "ladder." However, this is not only her. With the help of graduation even a square can be formed. Of course, graduation in its essence resembles a cascade a little, but their main difference is that in graduation the change in the length of the strands is carried out only in front, and in a cascade shearing it occurs uniformly along the entire length.
Wavy Hair
If you have thin, but at the same time wavy hair, then a bob is your ideal option. Caret not only allows you to achieve volume in thin hair, but in combination with light waves it looks simply amazing. Of course, the length of the bob haircut is selected individually, but the variety of ways to style such a haircut allows a woman to look different every day and experiment with her looks in every possible way. Currently, the most popular embodiment of this haircut is an asymmetric bang, which slightly covers the forehead and smoothly flows into the main length.