Hairstyles for medium hair: festive, evening and everyday (more than 200 photos + video)

Undoubtedly the most popular hair length at present is the average length. She is very versatile. After all, you can both dissolve the hair and collect it in an elegant and beautiful hairstyle so that it does not interfere with the work. Unfortunately, there is no clear definition of average hair length. Someone believes that this is the length to the shoulders, and for someone long hair is considered to be hair reaching the lower back, and everything above is considered average. In most cases, hair reaching to the shoulders, but not falling below the shoulder blades, is called medium length. And of course, for such a universal length, there is a huge variety of beautiful and at the same time simple everyday hairstyles, as well as more complex, festive and evening hairstyles.

Everyday hairstyles for medium hair

Every day hairstyle for medium hair should be both elegant and simple in execution. It can be a volumetric bunch, a beautiful basket, an unusual tail or weaving. In any case, going to work every day, you should not spend a lot of time creating a beautiful and neat image. Indeed, more than anything in the world in the morning, I want to sleep longer, and not to do any styling. The hairstyles presented below are done in a few minutes, and the result is amazing.

"Basket" of braids for medium hair

To create this hairstyle we need:

  • Invisibility
  • scrunchy;
  • hair clip or hair clip;
  • hairbrush.

First you need to divide the hair into two equal parts. To do this, we conduct a comb with a sharp tip in the middle of the nape from one ear to the other. We tie the upper part of the hair with an elastic band. We begin to carefully collect hair from the face, twist them into peculiar flagella and close our ponytail. On the other hand, we are doing the same. We fix the ends of the flagella with invisibility, we relax a little to give volume to the hairstyle. Then go to the bottom of the hair. We also collect hair on one side and twist it with a tourniquet, fix it with an invisible one. Similarly, collect the other side. Also, slightly lower the lower part of our basket. We fix the hairdo with hair spray. You can insert a beautiful decoration in the center of the basket. such a hairstyle is done very quickly, and looks spectacular and at the same time elegant.

Ponytail inside out on medium hair

This hairstyle is simply the leader of all hairstyles for medium hair. It takes less than two minutes to create. And she looks very beautiful. So, for a start, we collect our hair in a regular tail and tie it with an elastic band. After that, slightly lower the elastic band down and make a small hole where we twist our tail. Hairstyle is ready! If you are not comfortable with loose hair, you can gently collect them in a bun, using a hairpin or “crab”.

Everyday bun “shell” on medium hair

To create this beautiful hairstyle, we need:

  • scrunchy;
  • hairpins and invisible.

To start, we tie a regular tail at the back.Dissolve it a little. We make a small deepening inside the ponytail and carefully wrap the remaining hair inside. You should get a bunch in the form of a kind of oval. If you have thin hair, then for starters you can make a small pile on the crown. Do not worry if, during the creation of the bun, part of the hair fell out a bit. Just twist them with the help of a curling iron and you are guaranteed a romantic image.

In addition, this hairstyle can also be supplemented with jewelry, or create a decor of hair. To do this, when we tie the tail, specially leave a strand on each side. After creating the bundle, we make bundles and twist them crosswise, as if framing our bundle.

Light everyday hairstyle from knots for medium hair

This simple and at the same time unusual hairstyle is suitable for both owners of thick and thin hair. If you have thin hair, then before creating such a hairstyle, it is recommended to make a small pile on the crown to give volume to the hair. So, we proceed directly to the creation of the hairstyle itself. To do this, take a small lock from the face and make a knot in the middle of the neck. We fix it and move on to the next strands. in this way 4-5 knots can be made, depending on the thickness of the hair and the thickness of the strands. We collect the remaining hair in a ponytail below, and carefully hide the ponytail under the resulting bundles. Thus, you will get a very beautiful and unusual assembled styling.

IMPORTANT! Before creating any hairstyle, use special fixation products that do not weigh down your hair. With its help, your hairstyle will last from morning to evening almost in its original state. It can be a foam, mousse or spray.

Hairstyles for medium hair

Well, and where without everyone's favorite weaving. Fortunately, owners of medium-length hair can use almost the entire variety of options for braided hairstyles. Well, talking about ordinary spikelets and braids is not entirely interesting, so let's look at options for unusual braided hairstyles.

So, to create this pretty extravagant hairstyle, we need:

  • styling agent;
  • elastic bands for hair;
  • one-row comb and a little patience.

To begin with, comb your hair well, make a parting in the middle and spray them a bit with styling. Then we begin to weave the braid from the neck to the crown. Yes, yes, the braid in this case weaves the other way around. At first, the process may seem very complicated and lengthy to you, but believe me, this is not so. It’s worth a little getting used to and it will turn out in minutes. So, we will braid the braids in this way from two sides, approximately slightly below the crown. For those who like hairstyles higher, you can braid and higher. Upstairs, we simply tie the tail together with our scythe. The tips of the tail can be wound so that they do not hang out, but can be left as is.

Below are a few more examples of step-by-step daily hairstyles based on weaving and simply interesting options for everyday images for medium hair.

Holiday and evening hairstyles for medium hair

Any celebration for a woman is an occasion to show themselves in all their glory. As a rule, ladies pre-think every detail of their image: dress, shoes, accessories, makeup, and of course, the hairstyle also does not stand aside. The basic rule of any evening and holiday hairstyle is that it should stay for quite a long time and maintain its original appearance. In addition, the evening hairstyle should ideally fit the image and complement it. It does not have to be overly complex and artsy, rather it should be neat and feminine, and of course emphasize your merits.

Most women turn to professionals when creating evening or holiday hairstyles. This is of course the right action. It is better to entrust your holiday image to a trained person.However, if you have the time, energy and desire, you can create a beautiful evening hairstyle with your own hands at home. Below are a couple of ideas.

Classic festive hairstyle in retro style

To create such a hairstyle, we need:

  • hairpins;
  • Invisibility
  • hair roller;
  • a sharp-pointed comb;
  • curling iron or tongs.

First, select a small rectangle of hair in the parietal region, making parting. We fix it with a clip or an elastic band. Then comb the remaining hair on one side (on which particular role it does not play, select the most convenient for you). After all the hair is on one side, we create the frame of our hairstyle. To do this, we pin the line with a little invisible from the middle of the head. After that, on the resulting frame of invisibles, we fix the roller with the help of pins and invisibles. The roller should be fixed very well, because it is on it that our hairstyle should be kept all evening. Next, we begin to wrap our hair roller in hair. To do this, carefully, by a small lock, we separate from the total mass of hair and comb it onto the roller, covering it. On the other side of the roller we fasten the strand with invisibility. The remaining hair is gently combed in the same way on the roller and also fastened with invisibility. We turn to the hair that we selected initially. Comb them, divide into three strands and wrap them with a curling iron or tongs. The first strand, comb a little with a brush near the root and comb it towards the roller. We lay this lock on the roller in the form of a light wave and fix it with hairpins. We pass to the second lock. In the same way, comb it a little for volume and also lay on the roller. Do not forget about fixing our hairstyle with varnish. We divide the next strand into three parts again and decorate our hairstyle, stacking each strand in the form of a wave in turn.

Evening hairstyle "ship" for medium hair

Another fairly simple, but at the same time very effective version of the hairstyle. To create it, we need:

  • hairpins;
  • Invisibility
  • several small elastic bands for hair (approximately 5-6 pieces);
  • curling iron or curlers;
  • fixative.

So, for starters, select a small strand at the very forehead and comb it. We fix with an elastic band and leave. Then, alternately from the forehead to the neck, we comb out small strands on each side and collect them in the tail in the middle of the head. Thus, you should get a kind of mohawk from 5-6 tails. After that, we wind each tail with a curling iron. You can also use curlers. Next, we form curls and curls near each ponytail. We carefully fix everything with the help of hairpins, invisible and hairspray. Having formed curls near each ponytail, we push our mohawk a little up. Fix it again with varnish. This hairstyle is beautifully decorated with hairpins with beads or rhinestones. This hairstyle is perfect for a floor dress.

Evening hairstyles for medium hair


Medium Hair Wedding Hairstyles

Hairstyles for prom on medium hair

A few video tutorials on creating hairstyles for medium hair

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