Marry a foreigner: all the pros and cons

Almost every girl dreams of a prince on a white horse. And if this prince is also overseas ... In general, a fairy tale. However, do not flatter yourself, because in order to find a prince you need to be a princess yourself, and princes are currently different. But nevertheless, the desire of lovely ladies about the tale in the overseas kingdom does not fade away. Well, let's figure it out, how can you marry a foreigner?

First, you need to get acquainted with a potential husband a foreigner. Perhaps the easiest way would be to get acquainted on the Internet. Fortunately, now there is a huge number of various international dating sites. Of course, immediately after registration, a crowd of men will not rush to you with an offer of a hand and a heart (even if this happened, you should be wary of such assertiveness). Most likely, you yourself will have to show considerable activity in order to meet someone.

In addition, in order to find a foreign husband, you need to know a foreign language. Without this, your communication will not be particularly long. In addition to language, you need to be an erudite and interesting woman, able to maintain a dialogue on almost any topic.

Some women wonder how to find a wealthy foreigner. As they say, the rich will not be enough for everyone, and here you will have to really try. First, you yourself must match the status of your potential husband. Well-groomed appearance, a beautiful figure and face, and in addition to a beautiful wrapper, a good education and knowledge of several languages. In addition, finding a rich foreigner on a dating site is much more difficult.

As a rule, wealthy foreigners like to visit expensive restaurants and prestigious clubs in the capital. in a provincial town you are unlikely to come across a worthy candidate. If you still managed to meet a foreigner, let's figure out how to meet him better.

The most basic rule is to speak the same language, if you know a foreign language, that’s fine. However, many visiting foreigners want to learn more about the language of the country in which they arrived. Help him in this, and you will earn his respect.

Take a city tour, show the most beautiful and interesting places, take pictures together. Any pastime is important. In addition to walking, take an interest in its national customs (bathhouse, hunting, fishing), as well as national cuisine. You can even ask for help while cooking and cook something together.

After all this, be prepared that your potential spouse may call you to live with him. This is where all the fun begins. And as a rule, the girls who married a foreigner and moved to live in another country are waiting for an option - this is either heaven or hell.

Pros of living with a foreign husband

  • If your husband was from a European country, then you are very lucky. The average men there have a good social status, and you, as his wife, will have the same.
  • If your husband is raised in a good family, he will carry you in his arms and almost idolize, because traditional European education instills respect for a woman. A European man is unlikely to allow himself to swear in the presence of his wife.
  • Opportunity to receive foreign education and perfectly learn a foreign language.

Cons of living with a foreign husband

  • The language barrier. If you do not speak a spoken foreign language, it will be very difficult for you, especially at first. And not only in communication with his spouse, but also when going to the store, hospital, etc.
  • Employment. With a job search abroad, things can be much worse than in their native country.if your husband married you, there’s nothing to worry about as a housewife, but otherwise you’ll have to look for a job with at least someone.
  • Citizenship. Obtaining foreign citizenship is very difficult. In addition to the fact that you need to collect a huge number of various documents, you will need to fulfill certain conditions, and it is far from the fact that, subject to all these conditions, citizenship will be approved for you.
  • The laws. In other countries, other laws. Be prepared that the first time you will receive car fines, regulations and warnings.

And in conclusion, I want to give advice to all the girls. Do not try to marry a foreigner just to leave the country. It will not end with anything good for you. Of course, life abroad seems like a fairy tale, but this is far from the case. A girl abroad is not protected in any way. If you do not receive support and respect from your chosen one, life there will seem to you a real hell.

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