Sign compatibility Taurus + Taurus in love, friendship and work

Taurus Man + Taurus Woman: Compatibility in Love

This is a very interesting couple. People around them see them as boring and closed people, at first glance, the way it is, but if we delve into their inner world, we will see something completely different. The male and female Taurus are very practical people, they have a lot in common, which is both good and bad. They have the same outlook on life, common priorities, they lead a calm lifestyle and both are happy with it, but also, they have a very similar character. For many characters, this is not a problem, but quite the opposite, as for example a couple Scales + Scales, they are carefree and airy, which unites them. But here the pair Taurus + Taurus is not distinguished by either carelessness, or even more light character, they are both very stubborn, which sometimes plays a cruel joke with them. Having met in a dispute, they cannot break up, since no one is inclined to make concessions. Fortunately, they have few reasons to argue. Taurus tend to lead a calm, measured life, they calculate everything in advance and are very scrupulous about money. By their nature, Taurus are materialists, this does not mean that they are alien to spiritual values, just money for them is a very important aspect of their existence. They will not have children until they are confident in their financial well-being. Usually, they are very successful people, prepared for any emergency situations and at the same time loving luxury. Often, it is financial issues that become the cause of controversy in the Taurus family. This happens if one of the couple tried too hard to please the other and therefore made concessions, or if the couple did not stipulate all the questions in advance. Taurus (both men and women) are very practical people, therefore it will not be difficult for them to agree among themselves, another thing, if for some reason they do not do this, then stubbornness and anger come into force. Fortunately, along with stubbornness, Taurus has one more feature - they are resourceful. It is enough to caress Taurus and show tenderness to him, as he immediately melts before you, like a popsicle in August. However, at the same time, they are very vindictive of insults, so do not insult or offend Taurus, otherwise he may recall this to you at the most inopportune moment.

  • Friendship Compatibility

Such similar people easily converge in friendship. They have the same temperament, because it is very easy for them to communicate with each other. It is difficult for a Taurus to find a person who will be just as balanced and purposeful, therefore, meeting another Taurus on his way, he finds not only mutual understanding, but also respect. Such friendship can be carried through life.

  • Work compatibility

They conduct their work as measuredly as everything in life, so it’s easy for them to work together. They have the same rhythm of work, measured, calm. Moreover, they are hardworking and purposeful, which makes their work process very productive. The main thing for the successful collaboration of Taurus is not to disagree on any issues. Then their obstinacy will turn on and reaching a compromise will be extremely problematic.

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