Taurus woman + Cancer man: compatibility in love
This is a very good couple. They both take life seriously, have clear positions and pay great attention to financial matters. Often, this alliance is based on just the same calculation, most often from Taurus. Cancer likes the constancy and kindness of a Taurus woman, being a more emotional sign, he often needs the support that Taurus gives him. Taurus, in turn, likes that Cancer is zealous and serious, he cares about the material well-being of the family no less than she, and for her this is very important. However, sometimes, Cancer's emotionality can cause irritation in a practical Taurus woman; she does not understand his tendency to find negative aspects in everything, thereby complicating her life. It seems to Raku that his chosen one is insensitive and is not able to comprehend his subtle nature, which causes resentment and misunderstanding. Such conflicts are unlikely to lead the couple to a break, because otherwise they are perfectly suited to each other and understand this well. Crayfish easily depart from resentment, you just have to caress them, and Taurus is too practical to make scandals out of the blue. Taurus should know that in a relationship, her chosen one often identifies her with her mother and sometimes she has to fulfill a maternal function in a relationship. Although Taurus is not always able to show the full range of emotions, she is a good housewife, caring mother and wife, which is quite enough for Cancer. Taurus needs to remember that sometimes her chosen one just needs to be listened to and patted on the shoulder, and Cancer, in turn, needs to understand that the calm of Taurus does not mean that she does not understand him, just sometimes she cannot correctly express it.
Friendship Compatibility
They are well compatible in friendship. Both of them will not make money, for which they respect each other. Cancer appreciates her pragmatism in Taurus, she will not be satisfied with the tantrums inherent in many women. she appreciates a constructive dialogue. Taurus likes Cancer's kindness, his ability to empathize and at the same time remain reasonable. It is easy for them to communicate, they are not averse to spending leisure time together, although the fearful Cancer is unlikely to be able to completely trust Taurus, unless she is part of his family.
Taurus Man + Cancer Woman: Love Compatibility
This is a great couple. Like everyone, of course they also have their own cockroaches in their heads, but they have a pretty good chance of a happy future. Although the Cancer woman does not belong to the type of women that Taurus usually likes, she instantly falls in love with her. This couple will not shine in noisy companies or set an example for someone; they will do everything for the happiness of their partner. They prefer romantic evenings at home than noisy gatherings with friends, they do not show their feelings in public, but leave them to solitude. Cancer supports and protects her man, she cares for him and sometimes directs, and Taurus tries to give her woman the support and understanding she needs. However, sometimes, in their desire to help, Crayfish are too assertive, they begin to command, which causes Taurus dissatisfaction. Taurus will not allow himself to be controlled and can react rather violently to such attempts, at this time it is better not to be with him and give him time to cool. Cancer needs to fully gain the confidence of Taurus, so that he seriously takes her advice and limit pressure on his part. Also, Cancers should not dump all their emotions on Taurus.Woman Cancer is very emotional, it can even reach a tantrum that is more likely to scare off Taurus. Cancer wants Taurus to empathize with her, and he is unlikely to be able to, this can stir up the explosive character of Taurus. This does not mean that Taurus does not love her, it is simply difficult for him to understand her emotionality and it is better for her to put up with it. Alternatively, she should make a close friend who can listen to her and truly empathize with her passions, then Raku will not have to burden her husband and everyone will be happy.
It is worth noting that Crayfish neither Taurus (no matter what gender) are not prone to betrayal. If they already have life partners, then they may not worry. No matter how good a couple they are, they will not destroy the established alliance for this and not only from romantic motives, but also from financial ones.
Friendship Compatibility
They are good loyal friends. In this friendship, each gets his own. This friendship will help Raku to pacify the emotions that always pour over the edge, and Taurus, on the contrary, will teach them to show. Their relationship is very strong, they can fully trust each other and not be afraid of betrayal. They have similar interests and views on life, relaxation and moral principles.