Sign compatibility Taurus + Gemini in love and friendship

Taurus Woman + Gemini Man: Love Compatibility

This pair has little chance of a joint future. The difference in their characters may at first even attract signs to each other, but units pass the test of time. the fact is that their temperaments are too different, on the basis of which they will constantly have quarrels. The Taurus woman is calm, balanced, purposeful and practical, while the Gemini man is unstable, prone to gusts. At the beginning of the relationship, it is these qualities that attract Taurus, but she soon realizes that he is causing discord in the measured pace of her life, destroying her foundations. Gemini sees a self-confident woman in Taurus, he seeks to fill her life with emotions, giving all of himself for this, but he still does not receive a response from his beloved. As a result, both partners are disappointed in each other and go to try their luck in another place, with other people. However, this is not always the case, if, say, the Taurus woman and the Gemini man have a common goal or a common cause, this unites them and helps to see not only the shortcomings, but also the merits of each other. If a Taurus woman tries to show a little more emotion, and the Gemini man reduces the pressure in trying to stir her up, they can get a very interesting union.

  • Friendship Compatibility

It's still sadder than in love. The Taurus woman represents constancy, and the Gemini man is pure chaos. They are not comfortable in the company of each other, he violates the plans that she is building, and she is boring and monotonous for him. The twins rejoice in life and run to meet the wind, while Taurus calculates expenses and plans the budget. In general: nothing in common.

Taurus Man + Gemini Woman: Compatibility in Love

A cheerful and active Gemini woman will instantly attract Taurus. In this case, their differences are the driving force of the relationship. Taurus admires the quick-witted Gemini woman, and the Gemini likes the reliable and constant male Taurus. She brings joy and fun to his measured life, but sometimes scares him with it. The fact is that the Gemini woman leads a very active lifestyle, she is surrounded by friends and acquaintances, she is very successful, and the Taurus man is simply afraid that one day she will stop noticing him in the midst of all this fuss, remember how in the song “ Time Machines "" ... He was afraid that whenever she was, under the full Moon she would forget her way home ... ". Twin women should often remind their Taurus that he will always be in the first place for her. She can direct her energy to help Taurus. Sometimes the practicality and slowness of Taurus in some matters greatly inhibit him, if the Twins take this part of the work upon themselves, Taurus will be very grateful and will even more admire his chosen one (this can be both domestic and working issues). But Gemini should often listen to the advice of Taurus, they are not so prone to impulses and emotions, because their advice is often more thoughtful and balanced.

  • Friendship Compatibility

This friendship can hardly be called sincere. Often such relationships are based on mutual benefits, they are too different to have common interests. Taurus cannot cope with the amount of information that Gemini dumps on him, and Gemini cannot adapt to the calm rhythm of Taurus.

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