Libra Woman + Virgo Man: Relationship Compatibility
Such a union is not common and has little chance of success. The Libra woman is light and airy, she is charming and sociable, which is more likely to scare off than attract a Virgo man. If Libra wants to conquer such a man, then they should demonstrate to him other traits of his character, such as reliability, permanence, responsibility. Virgo does not like communicating with strangers, his circle of friends is very small and extremely limited, therefore Libra should not even try to introduce him into his circle. Virgo will quite calmly relate to separate vacations in different companies, unless Libra gives reasons for jealousy. Virgo is very hardworking, but he gets hard money, he does not look for easy ways, but he will gladly take care of his family. There can be mutual understanding in this pair if both of them learn to use the strengths of their partner. Virgo is very prudent and will help Libra in taking a serious relationship, while Libra will bring joy to the very measured and cautious life of the Virgin.
Work compatibility
They are not well compatible in work, unless they are engaged in a common business. Otherwise, Virgo and Libra prefer to work in different areas and not intersect. The coquetry of Libra can greatly embarrass Virgo and force him to take a defensive position. As a boss and a subordinate, it’s better not to meet them either, Libra is not firm enough to pacify Virgo’s causticity, they will have constant conflicts, as a result of which the subordinate usually prefers to quit.
Libra man + Virgo woman: compatibility in relationships
This union can be very successful if it comes to marriage. They lead a calm and measured life. The Virgo woman is very rational and at the same time attractive that Libra likes, she is able to subdue his excessive thirst for adventure and lower him from the world of dreams to the sinful earth, which undoubtedly needs to be done periodically with dreamy and bohemian Libra. The Virgo woman is a materialist and takes money very seriously, which in itself is not bad, because Libra is extremely wasteful by nature, however, it is impossible to completely limit their budget, otherwise they will feel in a cage, and Libra does not like to be in control. The Virgo woman is always stocking up money for a rainy day, which will not be superfluous in this family. Virgos can be sarcastic in nature, they will not miss the opportunity to make a sharp remark that they will not like and even offend Libra, because a woman in this union should control this aspect of her character if she wants to maintain a relationship. Libra is quite capable of accepting criticism, if they see reasonable arguments and at the same time do not feel pressure, because if Virgo wants to convey something to Libra, then she will succeed if she shows a little female cunning and diplomacy.
Work compatibility
They form a very harmonious and productive tandem. Despite the many dissimilarities of their characters, they complement each other perfectly. Scales are very sociable, easily establish business relationships, and Virgo are extremely practical and constant, they easily rely on the strengths of a partner.