Sign compatibility Aries + Aquarius in love and friendship

Aries woman + Aquarius man: compatibility in love

The couple is very mediocre, although they have a chance of a happy ending. To create strong relationships, both of them will have to work hard on themselves. Despite the fact that both signs are subject to different elements, they are very similar to each other, which is, in this case, a problem. Both the Aries woman and the Aquarius man are distinguished by their egocentrism, and this very feature can become a stumbling block. They simply do not hear each other, even attempts to show concern come out very mediocre, they are not used to taking into account the interests of the partner. At the same time, the way out of this situation is not as complicated as it might seem. Both partners just need to communicate more honestly, state their needs and desires, without waiting for the second to guess itself. In general, if they can solve these problems, then they can be very interested in a couple. They both love outdoor activities, sports and tourism, both sincere, have ardent temperaments and create a reliable rear for their soulmate.

  • Friendship Compatibility

They are both capable of total dedication in friendship. In each other, they find true friends for many years. Such a union is very strong, it is based on mutual trust, trust and similarity of characters. Both signs are very sociable and open, they are happy to make new acquaintances and love noisy companies, but they never forget about old friends. Unlike love relationships, in the friendship of these two there is not a drop of egoism, on the contrary, they are ready to do a lot for the sake of a friend.


They value their friendship much higher than love relationships, and therefore they will never take the risk, for the sake of trying to get closer. They will cherish and cherish this friendship, so their halves have nothing to worry about.

Aries man + Aquarius woman: compatibility in love

Such a pair has a better chance of a happy union than their prototype. Basically, this difference is due to the woman Aquarius. Unlike the men of her sign, she is able to show concern in relationships, surround her partner with warmth and affection, which flatters the pride of the Aries man. At the very beginning of the relationship, the Aquarius woman attracts Aries with her openness and kindness. Aquarius women always surround themselves with a large number of people, they pay great attention to friends and acquaintances, at first Aries likes it, as it gives him the opportunity to express himself among other people and attract attention, however, in family life, Aries does not really like that his woman pays so much attention to someone other than him. Aries, by nature, conquerors and power-hungry people, having achieved the heart of a woman, they want to own it completely and completely, but with Vodelei this is quite problematic. A Aquarius woman can worry about the dying Kharkovs on the other side of the earth, much more than her husband, who is nearby and very angry. There are two ways out of this situation: Aries can try to share the interests of Aquarius in saving the world, or Aquarius must reconsider its priorities. The second option is more realistic, since Aquarius does not need to radically change his worldview, she just needs to pay more attention to the man who is next to her. In addition, having reviewed priorities, Aquarius often understands his mistake and trying to correct it, becomes a very sensitive and caring wife for Aries.

  • Friendship Compatibility

In friendship, the female Aquarius and the male Aries are 100% compatible. Aries is a kind of knight in shining armor, who will always come to the rescue of his girlfriend, and Aquarius is attentive and faithful to his knight.They have many common interests and hobbies, they are cheerful and active, which makes their friendship even stronger. It is likely that such a friendship can develop into a relationship, so their partners, if any, should keep an eye out.

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