Modern life dictates its frantic rhythm to women. The role of a modern woman is not only the role of the guardian of the hearth, it is also the role of a responsible executive employee, a loving and beautiful wife and a kind and understanding mother. How to find it all the time, and at the same time not to forget to look after and take care of yourself? Nowadays, beauticians have taken care of this. Surely many women have heard such terms as “permanent makeup” and “tattooing”. And many have already tested this miracle on themselves. Recently we said what is the difference between tattoo and tattooToday we’ll look at the main differences between permanent makeup and tattooing. Indeed, many do not share these two concepts, thinking that they mean the same thing, although this is far from the case.
What is permanent makeup?
To begin with, we will understand what permanent makeup is and why it is needed. Permanent makeup - the introduction of a coloring pigment under the skin with a needle. This definition is equally suitable for both tattooing and tattooing. The differences begin with the depth of administration, the composition of the pigments and the technique of administration. Thus, the use of permanent makeup allows you to:
- Apply a very persistent makeup that lasts from 3 to 6 months;
- Correct or even completely change the shape of the eyebrows or lips;
- Correct depigmentation;
- Apply a picture of eyebrows in their complete absence (alopecia).
Well, perhaps the main advantage of permanent makeup, especially relevant in the modern world, is a tremendous saving of time on applying makeup. Every morning, women spend from 30 to 40, and in some cases up to 60 minutes only on the application of decorative cosmetics. Permanent makeup will save you from this.
And now let's look at the difference between permanent makeup and tattooing, or is it the same thing?
Permanent makeup and tattooing - the same thing?
As we said earlier, in essence, yes! Tattooing is also the introduction of dyeing pigment under the skin using a needle. However, not all so simple. There really are differences in these two techniques. The main and most important thing - permanent makeup is more gentle than tattooing.
In addition, the composition of coloring pigments includes only natural dyes, which dissolve over time. Tattooing is closer to tattoos, although not as traumatic for the skin.
When applying permanent makeup, the skin is punctured to a depth of about 0.5 mm, while when tattooed, the skin is pierced by 1-2 mm.
In addition to all of the above, the main difference is also the place of application. If permanent makeup is applied exclusively for cosmetic purposes to the face, then tattooing can be applied to the whole body even to create all possible patterns, like a tattoo.