The necessary set of things for a newborn in the hospital

Many women, as soon as they find out about their pregnancy, are already preparing to meet her fully armed. Obstetricians nevertheless recommend starting collecting things in the hospital at about 31-32 weeks. You shouldn’t hurry before. No, if of course you cannot afford to buy a kid and yourself a bunch of everything that you might not even find useful, then go ahead. However, nevertheless, before starting this shopping marathon in search of everything you need, check out the list of things that you really need when a baby is born. Remember, nobody will let you into the hospital with huge suitcases, so you need to take only the most necessary.

Some basic things to collect

  1. Remember, all the things you have collected should be placed on the bedside table and be within your bed, otherwise the formidable nurses can thoroughly clean you for the inability to wash the floors in the room.
  2. In addition, you will not be allowed to bring leather and fabric bags, and even less suitcases, into the hospital. According to sanitary and epidemiological standards, only packages are allowed.
  3. Another small but very useful tip is to take as many disposable items and probes as possible. Believe me, the less you have to collect things at the time of discharge, the better. You will have enough worries without it.

List of things for a newborn in a maternity hospital

To begin with, you should clarify whether you are allowed to bring things for the baby, as this is prohibited in some maternity hospitals. If you were allowed, and even recommended, then you need to take the following:

  1. Diapers for the newborn. Count on about 8 per day.
  2. Wet wipes for the newborn (just without perfumes and other "charms"). Basically, you will only use wet wipes, as in many rooms there is no access to water.
  3. Disposable diapers 60 # 60. One pack should be enough.
  4. Nappy cream or powder. Good creams are Bepanten, Drapolen, etc. In any case, you should take one thing.
  5. Baby scissors in order to cut off the baby’s nails, as in newborns they are very long.
  6. Cotton pads and sterile cotton. This is useful for cleaning your ears and nose. Cotton buds should be discarded, as they can injure the baby’s tender ear. In any case, your pediatrician will advise you better.
  7. If you do not plan to start breastfeeding, then you will need bottles and a mixture for the newborn. However, it is better to immediately set yourself up for breastfeeding. And then all this you will not need. No need to drag them even “just in case”. Breastfeeding and all.

Clothes for your baby should not be taken too much. From the main it:

  1. Caps (warm and thin) a couple of pieces;
  2. 2-3 pairs of socks and anti-scratches;
  3. 3-4 vests (warm or thin depending on the season)
  4. 2-3 sliders;
  5. wearable overalls or body, also depending on the time of year;
  6. If you plan to swaddle your baby, then do not forget about the diaper (3 pieces - warm and thin)

This is a necessary minimum of things for a newborn, which you will need before discharge. An extract package should be prepared separately. No need to drag it with you. Leave it at home, and at the appointed time, relatives will bring it to you. In such a package you need to put:

  1. the minimum set of your cosmetics to put yourself in order;
  2. your clothes and shoes for discharge;
  3. suit and envelope or blanket for the newborn.
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