Aries woman + Taurus man: relationship compatibility
Despite the fact that Aries is a fiery sign, and Taurus stretch to the ground, their relationship is by no means doomed. The grounding of Taurus allows the Aries woman to reveal her temperament, while her man will observe and admire his partner. The problem of such relationships can be excessive openness and sometimes even tactlessness of the Aries woman, with such behavior she causes dissatisfaction of the jealous Taurus, mutual respect in the couple will help to solve this problem. Both partners should leave a little personal space for each other and not forget about the sides for which they love each other: the determination and stability of Taurus balances the energetic and sometimes atomized Aries. People often think that there is no mutual understanding in the couple, due to the fact that they prefer to solve their affairs separately, in fact, this compromise is just the same necessary to maintain their relationship, leaving each partner free space.
Work compatibility
These two signs may well coexist peacefully in one team, with the correct distribution of responsibilities, their tandem can even become very productive. Taurus is persistent, but his slowness annoys Aries, he works for the result, while Aries is enthusiastic only in the first couple and is inclined to leave things unfinished, if this enthusiasm is exhausted, she wants to do everything quickly and is not inclined to stop for thought. This state of affairs can be a problem if the Aries woman acts as the boss. However, if they manage to reach an understanding, the problem will be resolved. Best of all, if they can get to know each other better before conflicts arise at work, then they will be able to organize the work correctly.
Friendship Compatibility
Such friendship is doomed to failure. They have no common interests. An active and sociable Aries woman will soon get bored with communication with a phlegmatic Taurus.
It is interesting: Aries, by their nature, strive for leadership, no matter whether it is a man or a woman. They personify fire and passion while Taurus is calm and measured, they think through and calculate everything, they don’t like haste and are not prone to risk. In such a pair, it is important that no one tries to remake the partner, but accepts him as he is, then the relationship will be strong and lasting.
Taurus Woman + Aries Man: Relationship Compatibility
A Taurus woman is capable of attracting an Aries man by her very appearance. Its element is earth, which means it radiates fertility and endurance, which at first glance will interest Aries. There will be no misunderstanding in their relationship. The Taurus woman is direct and not prone to tantrums and excessive drama, this is exactly what Aries needs, who is not inclined to solve the mysteries of the female soul. In family life, such a couple is like a role model. The Taurus woman fully supports Aries' ambitions and, if necessary, imperceptibly guides them in the right direction. The Taurus woman is a true keeper of the hearth, while Aries acts as a quite successful getter. Usually such couples do not experience financial problems, both of them are quite successful. Problems can arise if a struggle for leadership starts between the couple. Aries is a leader by nature and Taurus is better to give him the opportunity to feel like that.Taurus can start the struggle for leadership only out of a feeling of resentment, which will not lead to anything good, Taurus’ stubbornness will not allow her to go out of her chosen path, but Aries is not inherent to give the palm of primacy. This can lead to frequent quarrels and the separation of spouses, who will still keep the marriage, even in such stress.
Work compatibility
These two can work together only with a very competent construction of their work process, where they will be responsible for various aspects of the matter. Their working rhythms are not compatible, Taurus’s rhythm is quiet and measured, while Aries is always at the forefront. If one of them acts as a boss, the second will look for another job.
Friendship Compatibility
They are great friends. Their friendship is based on full understanding and complementing each other. Aries acts as a protector inherent in him, and Taurus takes care of Aries. It often happens that such friendship leads to a serious relationship.