Aries is a fire sign, like all signs of fire, it is hot in relationships. Aries relations are developing rapidly and rapidly, by nature he is a conqueror. Often an Aries falls in love at first sight and in every way achieves his love. Both men and women of this sign love to stand out from others, to strive for superiority both in love and work, they have a very developed spirit of competition. Despite the fact that the rams fall in love quickly, they have high enough requirements for a partner, only when he sees a decent candidate will he begin to act. Aries goes well with fire signs, including your own.
Aries + Aries married compatibility
Both men and women Aries are very temperamental, sometimes this can become an obstacle to creating a happy marriage. However, it is Aries that is able to appreciate the partner of Aries. Aries women are active, strong and independent individuals who easily take risks and do not like pressure. These qualities at the same time attract and repel Aries to a man. Aries men love to seek a woman, and women love to be achieved, it would seem a perfect combination, but in family life their characters often clash their foreheads. Aries are very emotional and do not hide their feelings, because their family quarrels often become public. However, during a lull, this couple is able to turn mountains. A woman in a relationship should pay more attention to a man and focus on his successes. Like other fire signs, Aries are self-centered and love attention. If a woman supports her man and periodically amuses his vanity, he will be able to achieve quite a bit and appreciate her efforts. Aries are faithful in their relationship to their half and rarely are capable of treason, only if their marriage crashes. Often, rams choose a partner for life.
Friends Aries Compatibility
While two rams may have problems in marriage, they are simply perfectly compatible in friendships. Aries woman is essentially the only woman who can count on friendships with a ram man. Aries men are not inclined to friendly relations with women, however Aries woman is able to fully support his interests, push him in the right direction and find a common language. Thanks to the ambitiousness of this sign, both of its representatives are perfectly compatible in friendship.
Work compatibility
If the rams do not have to share power, then they are remarkably combined as colleagues. It is easy for them to work with each other, due to the fact that both are able to gain the trust of the other without much effort. Their determination can make this tandem very productive. There will be no problems if one of the rams is the boss, and the second is a subordinate. Mutual respect will only spur them to joint cooperation.