TOP 7 best educational games for children of 8 years!

Many parents very often ask themselves how to develop certain qualities and skills in a child, and at the same time not to injure or destroy his childhood, with everyday tedious tasks. The answer to this question is educational games. Why exactly games, you ask? The answer is very simple. It is in the form of a game that kids better absorb any kind of information. There are only two simple rules to follow:

  • Do not force the child to do what he does not want;
  • Your own example is the best for the baby.

What are educational games for?

Educational games serve as a kind of bridge for the child. This bridge helps the baby not only have a great time, but also develop his strengths in him and pull up his weaknesses. Different games train different skills, some game is more aimed at developing memory, some more at logical thinking, and something helps the baby learn to think creatively. In any case, for a child to achieve great success, adults must also participate in all these games.

List of the best educational games for children aged 8 years

  1. Fanta. The essence of the game is as follows: you need to decompose in front of the baby from 5 to 10 (depending on the level of complexity and preparedness of the child) various things (this can be anything you like, starting from a toothbrush and ending with his favorite toy). Next, ask the child to leave the room, and you yourself remove one of the laid out things and change them with each other, then call the child and ask him to name the thing that has disappeared.
  2. Sea battle. A fascinating and interesting game. The rules of this game are probably familiar to every adult. Teaching her a child is not difficult. But it will help develop your baby's logical thinking skills.
  3. Balda. A wonderful game that will help develop a child's erudition, literacy and quick wit. the essence of the game is as follows: a certain word is taken, which is written on paper in a box. Then you need to attribute as many other words as possible to this word, which include one or more letters from the previous word.
  4. Puzzles Give your baby a love of puzzles and you will never have problems with your free time. Puzzles can be completely different, ranging from ordinary puzzles to geometric puzzle puzzles with matches. The logic and spatial thinking of your child will be many times better than that of peers.
  5. Riddles. Riddles will be another great educational game. For each solved riddle, you can assign a certain reward to the baby. You can buy a ready-made collection of puzzles, or you can come up with puzzles with it. Believe me, this process will entice not only your baby, but you as well.
  6. Tic-tac-toe. Another great logic game. She can also be called a “time killer.” Do not know how to distract your baby while sitting in line at the clinic? Tic-tac-toe is probably specially created for this. Only a piece of paper and a pen - you do not need anything else for this game.
  7. Coloring. No matter how banal it looks, it is the coloring that develops the child’s imagination, craving for beauty and creative creativity. In addition, coloring contributes to a more beautiful handwriting in the future, as painting the pictures trains fine motor skills of the hands.

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