Although this technique appeared recently, it managed to win the hearts of fashionistas around the world. More and more Hollywood stars appear on the red carpet with a hairstyle made in the technique of balayazh. This is a universal technology of dyeing, it is suitable for any length and type of hair. There is no such woman to whose image it will be impossible to choose colors for a balayazh. Famous stylists not only recommend using this technique, but also use it themselves. What is so special about this balayazhe?
- Uniqueness. With the technique of balayazh, you can constantly experiment by changing color schemes.
- Minimum time costs. You need to update your hairstyle 3-4 times a year.
- Fashionable solution. As you know, fashion is dictated by stylists and stars, and both of them are actively using balayazh.
- beauty. They say that beauty will save the world, then balayazh is an unusually powerful weapon. Smooth transition lines, selection of colors and unique solutions for each woman will make your image unique.
- Youth. With balayazh you can easily hide gray hair.
- Versatility. This technique is suitable for absolutely any hair.
This hairstyle is not only fashionable and beautiful, but also comfortable. If you value your time, then you will appreciate the balayazh technique. But in the pursuit of saving time, and possibly money, do not make a mistake by choosing a home dyeing method. Despite the fact that there is already a special paint from L’Oreal for dyeing using balayazh technique at home, stylists do not recommend this. The technology for painting balazyazh is very complex, it requires precision and a confident hand. If you want to get a really beautiful result and enjoy it for a long time - trust the professional. Firstly: in the skilled hands of the master you can feel calm and confident, not afraid for the result, but looking forward to it; secondly: during the procedure, you can relax and rest.
So that you understand what is at stake, we will briefly introduce you to the technique of staining.
Execution technique
- The most important thing is the correct selection of shades. It is worth making a mistake in one tone and your hairstyle will be hopelessly spoiled.
- Having picked up colors, the master selects appropriate means of coloring.
- When the dye is washed off the ends, the staining of the roots begins.
- Next, the master should create smooth, unobtrusive transitions. The transition can be near the very roots (2-3 cm), and at the ends, it all depends on the length of the hair and the desire of the client. Transitions are carried out by combing the paint from the bottom up at a certain stage of staining.
- Depending on the length of your hair, the procedure can take from 1 to 3 hours.
Balayazh technique is also called California highlighting, because the result is strands that seem to have just burned out under the sultry California sun. The effect of burning out is very natural, this is what the master should achieve. Only smooth transitions from one shade to another and skillful selection of colors can guarantee such a result. In order to choose the right shades, the master determines your color type and, based on this, selects the ones you need.
Color matching
- Winter woman: top - blue-black, bottom - red devil;
- Autumn woman: top - dark chestnut, bottom - bronze;
- Woman-summer: top - ashes, bottom - pearls;
- Spring Woman: top is bronze, bottom is amber.
These are just examples of how the master selects the right shades. In fact, there are a lot of shades and an individual combination is selected for each woman, which gives the image a touch of uniqueness.
In addition to color, balayazha technique also depends on the length of the hair. Each length has its own coloring technology.
Length staining technique
- Long hair. The technique used for long hair balayage is the most complex, as well as costly in time and finances. However, all efforts are worth the result. It is on long hair that a balazyazh maximally reveals its capabilities. With long curls, you can make the most complex and at the same time the most beautiful differences in tones. The essence of the procedure is that by applying strands, the ends of the hair are twisted into a foil with paint, then the roots are tinted. Overlays of several colors are possible at once, it all depends on the imagination of the master and the desire of the client.
- Medium hair.In its complexity, balayazh for medium hair differs little from long, but the dyeing technique itself is still different. At the beginning, the hair is divided into several zones and twisted into bunches with the help of hair clips, after which the bases of these bunches are wrapped with foil, and the ends are painted in the desired shade, then the paint is applied to the roots and smoothly combed from top to bottom.
- Short hair. As for the complexity of the procedure, with short hair everything is much simpler than with long or medium. However, this does not mean that the result will not be so good. Balayazh on short hair has its own unique charm and looks both stylish and playful. It is performed in the following way: the hair is combed with the ends up, then dyed with a foil, on which blondoran was previously applied, the roots are painted with a brush, and after a certain time the paint is combed from the roots to the ends.
Now you know what the balalaazha procedure is and you can safely go to the salon for a new, fashionable image.