Do I need to unplug the charger from the outlet? Consider 3 main myths about this.

Surely each of us at least once thought about whether to pull out the charger from the outlet. After all, sometimes it’s so inconvenient. And every night again, you have to put the phone, tablet or laptop on charge. There are three main points in favor of disconnecting the charger from the mains. Let's look at each of these statements in detail.

1. It is unsafe to leave charging in a power outlet

Many people argue that leaving the charge turned on is strictly prohibited. Allegedly due to power surges, it can explode and cause a fire. In fact, a high-quality charger is designed and assembled in such a way as to exclude all possible surges and voltage surges. It is equipped with good fuses and in some way is not able to explode.

However, do not forget that at present there are a huge number of cheap Chinese counterparts. The price of such chargers is much lower, but the quality of the materials from which they are made also leaves much to be desired.

Do a little experiment. Plug your charger into a power outlet and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Look, it warmed up too. If so, then your charging is faulty, or made of low-quality materials. It’s better to disconnect such a charge from the mains.

In addition, during a thunderstorm, it is also better to disconnect the charger. However, with the same probability, lightning can strike the included TV, refrigerator or washing machine.

2. Left charger consumes a lot of power

More recently, the engineers of a well-known computer portal decided to conduct an unusual experiment to find out if chargers that are not plugged in are really consuming a lot of electricity and can lead to serious electricity bills. Here's what they found out. It turns out that in order to record at least some deviations from 0 on electricity meters, they had to connect 7 different devices to the network at the same time. And then, this deviation was so small that according to calculations for the year of their continuous operation, the amount of electricity consumed barely reaches 2.5 kV / h. Those. for a year you will overpay only 10 rubles. And this is if you have 7 devices turned on simultaneously. So obviously it is not worth worrying about your wallet.

3. A disconnected charger fails faster

In modern chargers, the service life is from 50 to 100 thousand hours, which is approximately 6 and 11 years. But this despite the fact that you will constantly charge them a phone. actually quite a long period. And this resource in some way does not depend on whether the charging is constantly turned on in the network or if you periodically pull it out.

In addition, on the contrary, the constant inclusion and disconnection of the charger from the network leads to significant changes in the operating mode, which is really able to reduce the life of the device.

So to leave the charge plugged in or not to leave, it's up to you. And it all depends on your convenience and quality of the charger.

And finally, a short and informative video about whether to disconnect the outlet or not.

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