A woman after 40 years should be especially careful in creating her image. After all, 20 years were left behind, some age-related changes began to appear (small facial wrinkles, the skin becomes more dull, etc.). And to hide these small changes and remain a beautiful flowering woman - correctly applied makeup will help.
Makeup for women after 40 has a number of specific features. The main ones include:
- The first and perhaps most important thing for makeup at any age is high-quality cosmetics. It is better to give preference to reliable and proven brands that do not contain a huge amount of harmful chemical components. In addition, cheap cosmetics will only emphasize your age-related disadvantages. Poor-quality lipstick will roll off, and cheap shadows will quickly crumble, to say nothing of the sometimes irreparable harm to the skin that they cause.
- The second feature of makeup for women after 40 is the use of blush. Even if you had never resorted to them before, now you will have to reconsider your views a little. Properly selected blush will give your skin a healthier look and make it less dull. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so that later you do not look like the heroine of the well-known fairy tale “Frost”.
- With age-related makeup, special attention must be paid to the contour of the eyes. It is near the eyes that the first noticeable wrinkles appear, and so that they do not look even more noticeable, it is necessary to avoid too bright shadows. Use more natural shades that emphasize exactly your eye color and your personality.
- Another feature of makeup after 40 is the contour of the lips. With age, it loses its clarity. To beautifully highlight the lips, it is necessary to slightly draw a contour with a pencil before applying lipstick. The pencil should be slightly darker than the main shade of lipstick. And so that the lipstick lasts longer and does not fade, you can draw with a pencil not only the contour, but also paint your lips completely.
And now a little about what absolutely can not be allowed in makeup after 40 years.
- A thick layer of foundation. This is the trouble of many women, both young and old. foundation can not hide any defects. In large quantities, he is able, on the contrary, only to highlight all the flaws of your face. Remember, the foundation should be applied in one layer. Surplus can be carefully removed by wetting them with a napkin.
- Shadows of poisonous vibrant hues or white. Using shades of such shades will only draw unnecessary attention to your eyes and will play a cruel joke with you. Such shadows will make your wrinkles and overhanging eyelid more visible.
- Thin eyebrows. Eyebrows are the trouble of many women. Fashion on eyebrows is always changing very quickly, and sometimes women just do not have time to navigate. However, do not blindly rush into this whirlwind of constantly changing trends. Remember, naturalness is our everything. You just need to slightly outline the contour, do not pinch and do not start their growth.
And so in the basic subtleties of age-related makeup for women after 40, we figured out. Let's now plunge a little into the subtleties of evening makeup for women at this age. After all, it is precisely the outings that are accompanied by closer look at the image of a woman and her makeup - one of the main ones, which is first of all paid attention to.
So, a few rules for evening makeup for women after 40:
- Evening makeup is always brighter and more solemn than daytime, but it must also be applied more carefully.
- To get started, well prepare the skin for applying makeup. For 15-20 minutes you need to apply a moisturizer, and before these cleanse the skin with a tonic.
- The selection of eye shadow for evening makeup also needs to be approached more carefully and choose according to your skin color type. For women with light skin, mono choose shades of silver, purple and dark blue shades. For women with dark skin, mocha shades will look good. The shades of olive or dark brown are most suitable for red beauties.
And a few educational makeup videos for women after 40.