If you notice that your eyebrows have lost their density and volume, that their bending is not as intricate as you would like, then it's time to try an eyebrow pencil. With this ingenious device, you can easily transform your eyebrows. Drawing eyebrows with a pencil does not require special skills, any woman can handle this. Using a pencil, you can not only paint over imperfections, but also give the eyebrows a light, smooth bend, outline a beautiful contour, make your eyebrows brighter and more expressive, which will give your appearance a shadow of mystery and femininity.
When choosing an eyebrow pencil, you should know what types of pencils are and how they differ from each other. Hardness pencils are of two types:
- Solid. This pencil is suitable for women who are exposed to atmospheric precipitation, as well as women with oily skin;
- Soft. As you might have guessed, a soft pencil is suitable for dry skin.
Pencils also vary by release form:
- Bilateral. Combines two colors at once, which allows you to make makeup more expressive and natural;
- Auto. It does not require sharpening, its core extends and retracts, which is much more convenient when drawing;
- With thread. A little unusual fixture. The contour of the eyebrow is outlined, after which all the hairs that are outside the contour are removed with the help of a thread;
- Pencil with brush / tassel. Allows simultaneous neat styling without resorting to other tools;
- Classical. A pencil, as we used to see it, without any additions, with a stylus that must be sharpened.
It is worth considering consistency a pencil
- Felt-tip pen. It features a bright, saturated color;
- Stick. Suitable for rare eyebrows, has a wide applicator;
- Powdery. For oily skin, eliminate shine with eyebrows;
- Highlighter. Its main function is masking. It will help to hide even scars and scars;
- Wax. Not only dye, but also fix the hairs;
- Pencil. Holds for several days, it is also called a pencil with the effect of a tattoo;
- Dry. The same as powdery;
- Liquid. Good in application, gives a rich color to the eyebrows and is suitable for dry skin;
- Gel. Like liquid, it is suitable for dry skin, at the same time nourishes, fixes and paints eyebrows;
And of course, the most important difference between pencils is color. The selection of colors should be treated especially carefully. You need to take into account your color type, compare it with a line of shades and choose the most suitable. Fortunately, the market is simply full of pencils for every taste, so finding the right shade is usually not difficult. Every self-respecting manufacturer of decorative cosmetics must have included an eyebrow pencil in the line of his products. The palette of shades is so large that you can write about it endlessly, because we will present you only the basic shades with which you will meet.
- Black - suitable for girls with blue-black hair and dark skin;
- Black-brown - suitable for burning brunettes with fair skin;
- Dark gray - used with rich blond hair color;
- Gray - created to combine with ashen blond;
- Light gray - used for colorless eyebrows;
- Dark brown - suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women;
- Brown - combined with chocolate color;
- Taupe, ash and red - adorn the fair-haired beauties;
- Beige - will look good on blondes with blue and green eyes;
- Blonde - suitable for classic blondes;
- Pink - shaded under the eyebrow to give naturalness;
- White - It is the basis for the base color.
Of course, in the shops you will find a much larger palette, but if you can navigate among the primary colors, then it will be easier for you to choose the right shade. If you are at a loss with a choice, you can always contact the salon for a specialist consultation. Remember that the basic rule for choosing the color of a pencil is that it should be a tone lighter than the color of the hair. Do not choose too dark shades, unless of course you have black curls, they will look vulgar. When drawing eyebrows, use a simple instruction and you will succeed.
Instruction manual
- Apply a nourishing cream to your face, 30 minutes before makeup;
- Apply base (tone and powder);
- To determine where the eyebrow should end, draw a line from the wing of the nose to the temple through the outer corner of the eye, then determine the beginning of the eyebrow and draw 2 strokes, respectively;
- Comb the hairs;
- Apply strokes in the direction of hair growth;
- Shade all spaces carefully;
- Evaluate the result, eyebrows should be the same;
With this simple guide, you can easily learn how to draw beautiful eyebrows. And in order to make it easier for you to navigate among a huge number of manufacturers, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular brands in this area.
- Eyebrow Penci - Pupa, Italy, 650 rub
- Brow Satin - Maybelline, United States, 410 rub
- Couleurs nature - Yves Rocher, France, 350 rub
- Fatal crayon sourcils - Letual, France, 300 rub
- Ideal Brow - Eva Mosaic, Italy-Korea-Russia, 200 rub
- Firebird - Faberlic, Russia, 200 rub
- Twisting eyebrow pencil - Avon, USA, 150 rub
- Eyebrow Pencil - Art-visage, Russia, 150 rub
- Eyebrow designer - Essence, Germany, 150 rub
- Perfect Shape - Oriflame, Sweden, 100 rub
And so, you have mastered the application technique and the principles of selecting an eyebrow pencil and now with full confidence in your abilities you can make your eyebrows more beautiful and elegant.