We choose the color of the eyebrows for blondes

If we are talking about blondes, then the first thing that attracts attention in them is the color of the hair. Blond curls of all kinds of colors and attract the views of others. However, do not forget about the eyebrows. Believe me, if you have even the most luxurious golden curls, if your eyebrows do not fit with them, then this will be the first thing that will curious eyes. From this we can draw a simple conclusion: everything should be in harmony. In order for the eyebrows to look good in combination with the hair, you need to consider many factors. The basic principles for selecting eyebrow colors include: eye color, skin color and of course hair color.

For more information about the choice of complexion, as well as the shade of hair read this our material.

Eye color matching

  • Blue. For blondes with blue eyes, the dark golden color of the eyebrows is well suited;
  • Gray. Gray-eyed beauties should avoid gray tones in the selection of color for eyebrows. The best option is light brown tones;
  • Black. Black-eyed blondes are very rare, but such are found and they should avoid too dark shades. Delicate chocolate will be a good solution;
  • Green. Green-eyed blondes should try light brown tones and pastel colors;
  • Brown. As for the brown-eyed ladies, they should focus on their natural hair color and choose the color in one or the shade darker.

Hair color matching

  • Light brown.Brown-haired beauties are suitable for chestnut and terracotta shades;
  • Wheat blond. These ladies are suitable honey, light brown and golden chestnut colors;
  • Ashes. With ashen blondes, everything is simple - gray shades will suit them;
  • Natural blond. Natural blondes are advised to pay attention to light gray tones and a wheat-brown hue.

Now you know how to choose the color of eyebrows, focusing on your color type of appearance. If you are still not sure of your choice and do not want to take risks, then you can always turn to a professional for help. A good master will easily select the color suitable for you. He will be guided by the same basic parameters, but be guided by their more expanded version and, of course, many years of experience. More and more women now prefer salon procedures for applying permanent eyebrow makeup. Using the services of a master you can be sure of the result (unless of course you are confident in the master) and you do not have to apply makeup daily. On the other hand, if you use the procedure of tattooing or microblading, then for a long time you will not be able to change the shape and color of the eyebrows. If this suits you and there is a financial opportunity, then the salons offer you many procedures to choose from.


Eyebrow tattoos can hide even such defects as scars and scars on the eyebrows. This hardware procedure, which involves the injection of pigment dye into the upper layers of the skin using a special apparatus with a needle at the end. This procedure is quite traumatic and therefore not suitable for everyone, but if you decide to carry it out, then a lasting result will please you up to two years.


This procedure, unlike tattooing, is carried out manually using a power tool with a micro-blade at the end. The master himself draws every millimeter of eyebrows, and therefore the selection of a good master is very important. By the way, this is exactly what may cause problems. The microblading procedure has been used not so long ago, and therefore to find a good master with decent experience is not easy.This procedure has a short rehabilitation period, since during its implementation the skin is practically not injured. As for the result, it will hold on for 1.5-2 years.


If you do not dare to take such a cardinal step as permanent makeup, but there is no desire or opportunity to do this every day anyway, eyebrow dyeing is suitable for you. In the modern beauty industry, there are many shades of eyebrow dye, so it’s easy for the master to choose the right one. For those who do not want to apply chemistry on the face, it is proposed to use staining with henna. Now there are a lot of shades of such paint and it will last about 2-3 weeks. You can entrust the coloring to a professional or conduct it at home.


Now there are eyebrow pencils designed specifically for blondes. If you are not confused by the need for daily makeup, then you can choose a shade to your liking, guided by the principles of selection described above. Remember that the pencil is intended not to paint over imperfections, but only to highlight the contour of the eyebrows.

Now you have all the information you need to decide how and what color it is worth to color your eyebrows if you are a happy owner of light curls. The main thing in your case is not to highlight the eyebrows too much, in other words, do not overdo it while striving for the ideal.

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