Features of hair biowaving

If you dream of beautiful curls, and nature awarded you straight hair, there is a way out. You can wind your hair every day and spend a lot of time on it, or go to the salon and forget about daily styling for a long time. We all remember the good old perm and how much harm it did to the hair. But the days of chemistry have passed and they have been replaced by a safe procedure called hair biowave. Bio curling - what it is and what its main features are, we will tell you in this article.

Biohairing is characterized in that the preparations used for it are as safe as possible and without causing brittleness or hair loss. There are many different types of biowaving.

Types of hair biowaving

By the size of curls, biowave is divided into:

Large curls

Recommended for unpainted hair. Quickly straightens under the weight of the hair.

Middle curls

The best option for biowaving, lasts a long time and looks beautiful on different hair lengths.

Small curls

This curl lasts the longest and is perfect for owners of short haircuts.

Wavy curls

Usually this option is offered to long-haired beauties. As with large curls, the effect will not last long, but it will look very natural.

Also, the perm will be divided by the length of the hair, respectively, into:

  • Curl for long hair
  • Curl for short hair
  • Perm for medium hair

Also, biowaving depends on the condition of the hair.

  • Bio-curling for thin and rare hair It is used most often. She will increase the volume of hair and create beautiful curls from lifeless strands.
  • On bleached hair, biohairing is carried out very rarely, as masters do not recommend doing it. If you still really want to make it, then there is one French drug created specifically for this Trioform Save.
  • On hair that curls By nature, biowaving is not done at all, as the locks come out tangled and ugly.
  • On weakened hair It is recommended to do a biowave with a Studio solution, with vitamin B5 in the composition.

And this is not all that salons offer.

  • Classic biohairdressing - the composition does not include any additional substances
  • Vitamin Binding - vitamins added
  • Italian biohaircuts - the composition includes bamboo. Recommended for short damaged hair. Gives shine and shine to hair.
  • Vertical biowave - from the roots to the tips.
  • Horizontal biowave - gives bulk.
  • Japanese biohaircuts - locks of medium length and medium fixation. The composition includes a lipid complex and collagen.
  • Spiral biowave - is done on spiral curlers.
  • Keratin biohairdressing - the basis of the composition is keratin
  • Root biohairdressing - gives volume, is done only on the hair roots
  • Bio curl on the ends of hair - done only at the ends, does not create too much volume and shock effect
  • Silk biowave - the composition is enriched with silk proteins, restores damaged hair. It does not last long, up to 2 months.
  • Protein Binding - proteins are a part

As you can see, there are many types of biowave hair and in order to decide for sure which one is right for you, you need to consult a master. Undoubtedly, there are many pluses to the hair biowave procedure.

Pros of the procedure

  • You can choose any size of curls
  • Due to the natural substances in the composition, solutions nourish the hair
  • You can choose a solution as you wish, the choice is very large
  • Holds for a long time (6-12 months)
  • Beautiful hair
  • Does not destroy hair
  • No need to style your hair every day
  • Can be done even at home.

But like any medal, there is a flip side, biowaving has its drawbacks:

  • Brittle hair
  • Dropping out
  • It is undesirable to dye hair
  • Natural color is lost
  • Long-lasting bad odor present
  • Hair becomes dry, stiff
  • Contraindications

All this is not a rule, but rather an exception. Such cases are single and rare, and are associated mainly with individual intolerance or improper hair care after the procedure. It is always worth considering contraindications to the procedure, so as not to incur undesirable consequences.


  • Menstruation
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation period
  • Epilepsy
  • Taking hormonal drugs
  • Allergy
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the composition
  • Dry hair
  • Stress

If you took into account all the indications and contraindications and nothing prevents you from starting the procedure, then you are probably wondering what awaits you. Arriving at the salon, first of all, you will wash your hair with a special shampoo, after which they will lightly dry them with a towel. Then the master will wind strands on the curlers and treat them with a special solution. After that, you will need to relax and stand the solution (time depends on the solution). Next, you will wash your hair, first treat it with a fixing composition, and then restore it and do the styling. The whole procedure takes from 1.5 to 2 hours, but your curls will last from 3 to 12 months.


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